kt 포인트 사용법 KT Membership Point Usage Collection – Imagination Warehouse

kt 포인트 사용법If I remember correctly, I’ve been using KT for over 15 years. Between SKT and KT, I have been using KT, but there is no particular reason. Would you say it’s a bit cumbersome to change? In fact, if you are a reasonable consumer, it is better to use number portability appropriately. Now that it is bundled with Internet TV, etc., it is not easy to change it. One reason is that I have no complaints about using it. However, in fact, considering only the fee, it is the biggest benefit to move around unconditionally.

As a result, it is a VVIP level even though you do not use a particularly expensive plan. There seems to be something great about the VVIP rating, but it’s as much as watching a movie for free at Starbucks once a month? I only know this much. In fact, there are quite a few things you can do with KT membership points. And anyway, isn’t that point coming from the money I paid in the end? Even if you like it because it gives you a lot of points, it’s Sammosa Joe, but not using it is a loss in the end. When we go to a store, we take a little bit of things like Happy Points or CJ Points, but in many cases we don’t pay much attention to things like KT membership. So, in this post, we looked at KT membership points.

1. Movies, Performances

Movies and performances are all available at Lotte Cinema, CGV, and Megabox. Of course, these discounts are not unlimited, and generally can be used only once a month in the form of point deduction.

2. Eating out

The eating out section is available from a total of 13 brands. Don’t forget that you can use it at all representative pizza brands such as Mr. Pizza, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut.

3. Bakery

Because it is recognized in Paris Baguette and Tous Les Jours, which can be said to be the two major bakeries, it can be used anywhere. However, it is a little disappointing that the new bakery brands that are hot these days are not affiliated with them.

4. Cafe

In the case of Starbucks, I personally use KT membership points a lot. Other than that, there are Dunkin, Baskin, Dalkom Coffee, etc. These days, the hot blue bottle is noticeable. However, in the case of Blue Bottle, please note that it is not a coffee you can buy, but a limited edition of Blue Bottle goods for a certain period of time!

5. Convenience store/Mart

Convenience stores are gs25, cu, and emart 24. In the case of 7-Eleven, you should check that this is not applicable.

6. Shopping

When shopping, check if there are any brands you frequently use.

7. Theme Park

No one pays for the theme park in full, right? Discounts are also available when using major theme parks such as Lotte World, Seoul Land, and Everland, so you can use them at a low price.

8. Kids

In addition, there are discounts on Aqua Village for children.

9. Travel/Transportation

KT membership is also available at rental cars, hotels, and resorts.

10. Leisure/Life

There are also places where discounts are available at beauty salons and moving companies. Also, did you know that the test fee is discounted with kt membership when taking the OPIC test? In fact, this is the first time I’ve come to know about it.

11. Communication

The things supported in the communication part are services provided by kt itself, so you won’t feel much. But it’s good to know that these are discounted through points.

This is how you can use kt membership points. We all spend wisely

kt 포인트 사용법
