KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

hello. It’s Munnil! Today, I would like to do a post about something that happened recently.

Recently, I received a text message on my cell phone, and when I checked, the payment details were recorded. But kcp? About 20,000 won? No, what the heck is kcp, and I didn’t do anything right now, but money is coming out of my bank account?

So I searched and found that kcp was a payment agent, and many people were suffering from this problem!

To be honest, if only kcp is written on it and the amount you don’t know about is 20,000 won, you can’t help but be quite angry at the moment.

So today, let’s find out how to quickly check your kcp payment history! KCP 결제내역

The method is very simple, so pay close attention! 좋은뉴스 

KCP 결제내역

1. Hit kcp on the search portal site!!


I just searched on Naver.


2. Then, as you can see, a site like this will appear!! As shown in the picture, click Customer Center-Payment History Inquiry


3. Accurately enter your means and information in the payment details inquiry


You can enter payment method and payment information! Please enter the exact payment amount you want to know!!


If you’ve followed this up correctly, you’ll be able to figure out the identity of the mysterious amount! In my case, I got angry and turned on my computer as soon as I got home and tried it right away.

It was a photo shop haha There is a regular payment every month, but I must have forgotten to apply for payment!

Perhaps even in the case of you, if you forgot to apply for payment, you will be embarrassed to see the amount go out like this!

It’s not difficult as you can see, so if you look at this article and search, you’ll find out why!


1. Hit kcp on the search portal site!

2. Customer Center – Check payment details

3. Fill in accurate information


Here’s how to check your kcp payment history! I’ll come back with another useful post next time

thank you!