베이킹소다 사용법 Know the difference between baking soda, sodium percarbonate, and citric acid, how to use it, and precautions!

베이킹소다 사용법Baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, and citric acid are said to be natural detergents, so they are widely used. I have summarized the usage and precautions for each. Before we find out, if you know about the relationship between detergent, acid, and alkali, it will be easier to understand how to use detergent, so … Read more

베이킹소다 사용법 How to use baking soda to wash fruits: Elegant tidy up

베이킹소다 사용법​​ [Daily tips] How to use baking soda to wash fruits Baking Soda Benefits 1. Aids digestion by breaking down fat 2. Prevents reflux by neutralizing stomach acid 3. Boost immunity by eliminating inflammatory cells 4. Use as a cleaning detergent to remove grease and stains 5. Use as laundry detergent to remove dust … Read more