우체국 택배 보내는 법 Find out a few exact ways to send postal parcels.

우체국 택배 보내는 법In the case of parcel post, it is divided into 1) registered parcel and 2) general parcel. Generally, the post office courier service we know is the post office registered parcel. Post offices and post offices provide the same services related to postal and courier parcels. Let’s summarize some service products and … Read more

우체국 택배 보내는 법 How to send a postal parcel (order/price/box size/business hours)

Introduces the order/procedure of sending by type of post office courier service (registration at the counter/delivery at the door), post office business hours, post box standard/size/price, post office courier rates, etc. 우체국 택배 보내는 법 post delivery service post delivery service There are 2 ways to send parcels to the post office (registration at the … Read more