등록기준지 조회(본적 조회) Registration base inquiry (original address inquiry)

We will guide you on how to check the registration standard. In the past, it was expressed as domicile, but with the abolition of the Family Registration Act in 2008, the basic domicile system based on the family register was reorganized into the individual-based registration base system, so it is expressed as registration base rather than domicile.

등록기준지 조회

등록기준지 조회


Since it is common for people to not know exactly about the registration base, you can check it by searching the registration base in situations where it is needed.


Contents Open

What is the registration base?
Based on registration base
How to check the registration base and domicile
Confirmation through basic certificate

What is the registration base?

The registration base is a functional address introduced for the purpose of determining the jurisdictional court decision in non-litigation cases for family relationship registration, party search function, and connection function with the old family register.




The registration base is set as of 2008 and can be changed freely. If you wish to change it, you can do so by submitting a change report to the registration office.


Registration base – domicile – inquiry
Based on registration base

If you were born before 2008, your previous family register will be the basis for registration, and if the first family relationship register is created after January 1, 2008, your parents can freely decide.


Unless otherwise specified, if the parents are Korean, the place of registration is determined by the father or mother whose last name and origin the child follows. If one of the parents is a foreigner, the place of registration is determined by the father or mother who is a citizen of the Republic of Korea.


📌Resident registration fact-finding


How to check the registration base and domicile

If you want to know exactly your domicile (place of registration), you can go to the community center in person to check, but you can also check it easily and conveniently online, so you can use it in a convenient way.




You can check the registration base by obtaining a family relationship register issued through the Supreme Court’s electronic family relationship registration system and confirming it with a certificate.


1. Access the Supreme Court Electronic Family Relationship Registration System website.



2. In order to check your domicile (place of registration), you must issue a family relationship certificate. This can be done by accessing the Certificate Issuance – Family Relationship Certificate Issuance menu at the top or selecting it through the shortcut on the main screen.




3. After agreeing to the Terms of Use to search the applicant information for the Family Relationship Register, enter your name, resident registration number, and additional information (names of father, mother, spouse, and child) below and proceed with authentication.



4. To view and issue the family relationship register, select the issuance target, type of certificate, general, detailed, or specific certificate, whether to disclose the last digits of the resident registration number, method of receipt, and reason for application to apply.



5. Check the registration standard on the issued or viewed family relationship certificate.




📌 Supreme Court electronic family relationship registration system


Confirmation through basic certificate

You can check the registration base on the family relationship certificate, but you can also check the registration base on the basic certificate, so you can check by obtaining the relevant certificate.




In the case of the registration base, only the information about the person can be confirmed, and additionally, information about the place of birth, report date, and reporter can be checked.


Registration Base Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If a child was born overseas, can the registration base be an overseas address?


– Registration base can only be used for addresses within Korea.



Q: Can the registration base be the address of the apartment or villa?


– In the case of an apartment or villa, the registration base can be set only by address, excluding the building or number.



Q: My child was born overseas and does not have a resident registration number, and I cannot remember where I set the registration base when registering the birth. How can I obtain a family relationship certificate for my child?


– Resident registration number or registration base is a mandatory input when searching the family relationship register. In the case of overseas Koreans, many do not have a resident registration number. If you do not know your registration base, it is difficult to issue a certificate as you cannot find the family relation register electronically. Yes.