다이소 영업시간 알아보기 Find out Daiso’s business hours

Let’s learn about Daiso’s business hours, opening hours, and finding a directly managed store. Since Daiso is not open 24 hours a day, you should check the business hours carefully before visiting. Recently, stores in various industries have had shortened business hours due to the coronavirus, but most operations are returning to normal. Today we will look at Daiso.

다이소 영업시간

다이소 영업시간

Daiso Business Hours Opening Hours Find a Directly Managed Store
Find out Daiso’s business hours



Most areas have one or two Daiso stores. I looked to see if there was a day off today, but Daiso is open 363 days a year. It is closed on public holidays (Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok), and is always open on other days without substitute holidays.

Daiso business hours information

Daiso business hours and business days (same for stores nationwide): 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Closed days: Lunar New Year’s Day, Chuseok Day
In addition, we are open on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and public holidays without closure. However, it may differ slightly depending on the local store, so please visit the website to check.


Depending on the branch, some stores open at 8:30 am, while others close at 10:30 pm. Additionally, some branches open at 10:30, which is later than the official opening time of 10:00, and some stores close an hour earlier, at 9:00 p.m.

Search Daiso business hours



Daiso-Business Hours-Search
Search Daiso business hours
When you visit the Daiso website, you can search for the store name and check information such as nearby stores as well as phone number, address, parking availability, point accumulation and use, and business hours.


Daiso homepage

Find a Daiso direct store



When you receive a mobile gift certificate through a telecommunication company partnership, you cannot use it at all Daiso stores. Can only be used at Daiso direct stores. To find out where the directly managed store is, you can use the Daiso website to search for available stores.

Daiso-Directly Managed Store-Find
Find a Daiso direct store

Find a Daiso direct store


Visit a directly managed store where Daiso mobile gift certificates can be used, and pay with the products you want to purchase. If you scan the coupon barcode when paying, the cost will be deducted by the amount in the coupon. If the gift certificate amount is less than the product you want to purchase, you can pay the difference additionally.


So far, we have learned about Daiso business hours, opening hours, and finding a direct store. I hope you found this information helpful.