쿠팡 판매자센터 바로가기 Go to Coupang Seller Center

Coupang Wing is a seller-only support service provided by Coupang, where sellers can directly register and sell their products. You can log in to the Coupang Wing Seller Center by clicking the image below.

쿠팡 판매자센터

쿠팡 판매자센터
Coupang Wing Seller Center login page
Go to Coupang Wing Seller Center
Click on the image to go to Coupang Wing.

To log in to the Coupang Wing Seller Center for Coupang sellers, please click the image above or the link below.


Coupang Wing Seller Center Contact Information (Customer Center for Seller Only)



Download Coupang Wing Seller Center mobile app
Download the application exclusively for Coupang Wing sellers

Now, manage it more conveniently with the Coupang Wing Seller Center mobile app. You can easily use product management, price management, order delivery management, and customer management anytime, anywhere. Additionally, the Coupang Wing mobile app sends alerts for urgent tasks that need to be handled immediately. For more details, please click the download button below.

You can install it by clicking the button below according to your phone model.

Google Play Store Download
App Store Download

Coupang Wing Seller Center FAQ
1. What is Coupang Wing?
Coupang Wing is a seller-only support service provided by Coupang, through which sellers can register and sell their products directly with Coupang. If you are a Coupang seller, it is essential to install it.

Coupang’s representative sales delivery forms are “general delivery,” in which sellers sell and deliver directly, “seller delivery (formerly Jet Delivery),” in which sellers sell directly but the delivery is handled by Coupang, and Coupang purchases the seller’s product. It is divided into three types, including sales and delivery, including “rocket delivery.” At Coupang Wing, you can manage general delivery and seller delivery. If you want to register seller delivery, you must sign up for the “Rocket Growth” service. Additionally, “Rocket Delivery,” which purchases and sells its products from Coupang, must join the Coupang Supplier Hub and make product suggestions.

2. What is Coupang Supplier Hub?
Coupang Supplier Hub is a B2B (business-to-business) online platform operated by Coupang, and is a service in which products from companies are purchased from Coupang and Coupang directly sells and delivers them. This is the commonly known “rocket delivery” product. “Rocket Delivery” products are products in which the company proposes its competitive products to Coupang or Coupang first selects good products and sells them in collaboration with suppliers. Meanwhile, products delivered to Coupang through the Coupang Supplier Hub are sold in the form of “rocket delivery,” which allows them to be delivered quickly to consumers by being stocked at the Coupang Logistics Center. It is a competitive sales platform that allows companies to create a win-win structure by focusing only on their products without wasting the effort and energy of selling their products through individual sales and individual marketing.