소액생계비대출 추가대출 Small living expenses loan, up to 1 million won! Apply on the same day through the app! Instant additional loan! – Financial Asset Information Center

소액생계비대출 추가대출Financial Asset Information Center

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The small-scale living expenses loan is supported by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency and is a product that, although it is a small amount, can be helpful to those who are facing difficulties in making a living. Anyone who is in a situation such as account seizure, but is willing to repay can receive support.
However, you will need to check your eligibility by checking your qualifications, such as your standard of living and income and credit score, and then receive an evaluation through consultation. Although there is some inconvenience, we recommend that you actively look into it if there is no other alternative or if you can use it according to your situation.

A small living expenses loan can be used by those with a credit score in the bottom 20% or lower (700 points by KCB, 749 points by NICE standard) and an annual income of 35 million won or less.
1) During the loan consultation process, the loan may be rejected depending on speculative purposes such as gambling, willingness to repay, etc.
2) If delinquency information or financial disorder information is registered with the Korea Credit Information Service, the loan may be rejected.
3) If you are currently in arrears, you will be requested to apply for debt adjustment counseling from the Credit Recovery Committee when applying for a small living expenses loan. If you do not receive non-adjustment counseling in the future, interest rate incentives, additional loans, etc. will be restricted.
Additional loans for small living expenses can be applied for and same-day loans through the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app.
Easily apply for additional loans through the app without making a reservation or visiting the Microfinance Integration Support Center.
Download the app (Android)
Download app (iPhone) 
For small living expenses loans, you can make a reservation at one of the 46 Microfinance Integration Support Centers across the country and then visit the center for loan consultation and application. You can also make a reservation for a visit to the center through the 1397 Microfinance Call Center. If you check your qualifications, such as income and credit score, to see if you are eligible, you will be able to make a consultation reservation at the center much more smoothly.
Center consultation reservation every Monday – Friday (09:00 – 20:00)
Loan eligibility inquiry every Monday – Friday (09:00 – 20:00)

A single interest rate is applied to small living expenses loans, and if repayments are made faithfully without delinquency, the interest rate is reduced. I hope that you can plan accordingly and use it well to receive help.

Since small-scale living expenses loans are a product for the recovery of low-income customers who are limited in the use of loan businesses or have difficulty in affording even small amounts of money, they are divided into three topics: credit management (5 minutes), debt management (8 minutes), and illegal private financing (5 minutes). We are providing training together. It is a short training course, and it is said that even if you complete only 1 out of 3 subjects, you can receive the benefit of interest rate reduction, so please make sure to invest at least 5 minutes to complete the training.

Go to Financial Education Portal 
Anyone who meets the credit income requirements, including delinquent borrowers and those without income, can receive support.
We offer the benefit of two 3% point reductions in interest payments every 6 months, with a final interest rate of 12.9% after 6 months and 9.9% after 1 year. Additionally, if you complete the training provided above before applying for a loan, you can receive a preferential interest rate of 0.5%p.
In order to support more people with limited financial resources, small living expenses loans can be made once per person.
For the first loan, the applicant must visit the Microfinance Integration Support Center in person for consultation, debt adjustment, welfare, employment connection, etc. tailored to the applicant’s situation. If you wish to apply for an additional loan after paying interest faithfully for 6 months, you can also apply online.
You can receive the loan through an account in the name of a direct descendant or spouse. In this case, you must bring the documents below.
Find out about emergency loans
Find out about government-backed loans 
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