카카오톡 용량 줄이기 3 Ways to Reduce Kakao Talk Capacity

3 Ways to Reduce Kakao Talk Capacity
Did you know that KakaoTalk takes up more space than you thought? If you use old or entry-level mobile phones, your phone can become stuttering and slow if you don’t organize your data, so you have to reduce the amount of KakaoTalk. I heard that I had to organize my photos around me, but I left them unattended because I was lazy, and not long ago, I checked my phone’s capacity and found that KakaoTalk occupies more than 20GB of capacity after the photos. How to reduce the capacity is really simple, so follow me! Both iPhone and Galaxy can be used.

1. Delete KakaoTalk cache data
KakaoTalk-Capacity-Reduce 카카오톡 용량 줄이기

First of all, the most basic way to reduce the capacity of KakaoTalk is to delete cache data. Cache data refers to other data other than photos, videos, and voice messages exchanged in chat rooms. It deletes the data stored in KakaoTalk and speeds up the processing so that the app can run quickly.

When you enter the KakaoTalk app, press the ‘Three Points’ button at the bottom, and enter the More View window, press the ‘Tooth Wheel’ button at the top to enter settings. When you go down to the bottom, press the ‘App Management’ item.

카카오톡 용량 줄이기


When you enter the app management window, click the ‘Save space management’ item to enter. When you enter the storage space, you can see ‘Delete cache data’. When asked if you press the corresponding button, you can click the Delete button. You can also click the ‘Delete Music Cash Data’ button at the bottom to organize. And there is a button that allows you to receive notifications when the storage space is less than 1GB while using KakaoTalk, so I recommend that you activate it if you need it.

Kakao Talk – Storage Space
Then you can see that all of them are organized in 0KB as shown in the picture above. You can also see the free space of the device, so it would be good to come in sometimes to see and organize.

2. Organizing Kakao Talk drawers
Kakao Talk-Talk Drawer

There are a lot of people who use KakaoTalk as a notepad these days. In my case, I often leave information, photos, links, and documents for my profile rather than exchanging pictures with my friends. It takes up a lot of space than I thought. If you go to KakaoTalk’s ‘More’ for information that you don’t need anymore, and click ‘Talk Drawer’, the data I’ve been exchanging will be accumulated.

It is divided into four types: memo, photo/video, file, and link, and you can click one by one to delete unnecessary data. The amount may be larger than you think, so I recommend you to set a date and delete it.


3. Organizing Kakao Talk chat room files


If you find it annoying to organize this and that, you can reduce the capacity by simply organizing photos and links in the chat room. After entering the most active chat room, press the “Three Lines” setting button at the top of the chat room and press the “Tooth Wheel” setting button at the bottom.


KakaoTalk-Chatting Room-File-Delete

When you enter the chat room setting, there is a ‘Delete All Files’ button, and if you click this, all files in the chat room will be deleted. If you have any important photos or videos, you can go to the ‘Talk Drawer’ that I guided you to above and delete them one by one without the important files.

In these three ways, I was able to reduce the capacity of KakaoTalk by 20GB. I recommend organizing your phone once a year because it reduces the capacity of your phone itself quite a lot.