교육급여바우처 신청방법 Find out about the 2024 Education Benefit Voucher application period, support recipients and support details, application method, etc.

교육급여바우처 신청방법The Ministry of Education operates an intensive application period for ‘education benefits’ and ‘education expenses’ support to ensure educational opportunities for low-income students and reduce the burden of educational expenses.

In this post, we will learn about the application period, support recipients and support details, and application method for the 2024 Education Benefit Voucher.

Apply now for 2024 elementary, middle and high school student education benefits and tuition!

Educational benefits are one of the basic livelihood security systems under the National Basic Livelihood Security Act, and are a system that provides educational activity support expenses to elementary, middle, and high school students from households with an income of 50% or less of the standard median income.

The education cost support project is based on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and each city/provincial office of education follows its own support standards for admission and tuition, school meal expenses, school operation support expenses, textbook fees, after-school free tuition, and educational informatization (computer and Internet communication expenses). This is a project that supports.

< Comparison table of educational expenses support standards by city and province >

You can apply for education benefits and tuition support all year round, but the Ministry of Education operates an intensive application period as follows so that you can receive support from the beginning of the semester.

You can apply for education benefits and tuition support throughout the year even after the intensive application period has passed. However, considering that support is provided after education benefits and tuition fees are confirmed, it is recommended to apply in March, at the beginning of the semester, if possible.

Eligible for education benefit support are elementary, middle, and high school students from households earning less than 50% of the standard median income.

The recipients of the education expense support project vary depending on the city or provincial office of education, but recipients of basic livelihood assistance, single-parent family protection recipients, and those in the lower income bracket (generally elementary, middle, and high school students earning 50-80% or less of the median income) are eligible.

Those eligible for education benefits are supported with educational activity support fees, admission fees, tuition fees, and textbook fees.

This year’s educational activity support fee has increased by 11% compared to last year, providing annual support of 461,000 won for elementary school students, 654,000 won for middle school students, and 727,000 won for high school students.

Admission fees, tuition, and textbook expenses are supported for students attending schools excluding free high school education.

Those eligible for education expense support vary depending on the city or provincial office of education, but generally, admission fees, tuition fees, school operation support expenses, high school textbook expenses, meal expenses, and free after-school tuition tickets worth around KRW 600,000 per year are supported. In order to support educational informatization, internet communication expenses of KRW 230,000, etc. are supported. PC is supported.

Parents, guardians, or students who wish to receive new ‘education benefits’ and ‘education expense support’ can apply by visiting the administrative welfare center in their town, township, or district, or apply online (PC or mobile) through welfare or the education expenses one-click website. You can apply.

If you received an education benefit voucher in 2023, you will automatically apply for an education benefit voucher in 2024 without a separate application.

Meanwhile, as the payment method for educational activity support expenses was changed from cash to vouchers (vouchers) since last year, procedures for payment of vouchers were added.

Students and guardians newly confirmed as recipients of education benefits this year must separately apply for a voucher on the Korea Scholarship Foundation website.
If you are confirmed as a recipient of education benefits, you will receive separate notification via text message from the school and the Korea Scholarship Foundation regarding the application for the voucher.

So far, we have learned about the application period, support recipients and support details, and application method for the 2024 Education Benefit Voucher.

For more information about education benefits and application for education expenses, please contact your town/myeon/dong administrative welfare center, Education Expenses Central Counseling Center (☎1544-9654), or Health and Welfare Counseling Center (☎129).

This post was written with reference to the press release from the Ministry of Education.

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