우리은행 계좌번호 찾기 Check your account number by visiting a Woori Bank branch

Check your account number by visiting a Woori Bank branch (detailed guide)
Have you forgotten your account number and the online method is difficult? Do not worry! You can easily check your account number by visiting your nearest Woori Bank branch.


Identity verification documents: 우리은행 계좌번호 찾기
Resident registration card (required)
Driver’s license, passport, health insurance card, etc. (resident registration card and 1 other document)
Other information:
Name and date of birth used when signing the deposit contract 이베이스매뉴얼
Recent transaction history (maybe helpful to have)
Visiting Procedure

우리은행 계좌번호 찾기

Visit your nearest Woori Bank branch:
For branch information, use the branch finder function on the Woori Bank website (/)
Check business hours before visiting (Weekdays 9:00 – 17:00, Saturdays 9:00 – 13:00)
Issuing a waiting number at the ticket machine:
Select ‘Account/Card’ > ‘Find Account Number’ menu
Wait for guidance after issuing a waiting number
Instructions to responsible personnel:
After calling the waiting number, inform the staff in charge
Request to find account number
Proceed with the identity verification process:
Present identity verification documents
Provide additional information (name used in deposit agreement, date of birth, etc.)
Account number confirmation and guidance:
The staff in charge will inform you after checking the account number.
Account information can be printed or memorized

Identity verification process required
Check business hours before visiting
To protect personal information, be careful not to disclose account number information without permission.

Prepare necessary documents and information before your visit
Avoid rush hour visits (morning, early afternoon, or lunchtime)
Waiting times may vary depending on branch

Internet/mobile banking available
Smartphone app notifications available
Have a savings account/card or deposit/withdrawal statement
Visiting a Woori Bank branch is the most accurate and reliable way to check your account number. Find your account number quickly and easily by referring to the steps provided above!


Woori Bank website:
Find a branch:
Additional information:

In case of emergency: Woori Bank Customer Center
Other methods:
It is important to safely manage your account number. To prevent loss, it is recommended to write it down or take a photo.