고용보험 가입이력 조회, 증명서 출력 및 PDF로 저장 방법 How to check employment insurance subscription history, print certificate and save as PDF

Employment insurance subscription history can be checked online or offline and can be used for purposes such as incentive support, job training, bank loan service, job submission, and government subsidy application. Today is the Internet (PC). Let’s learn how to check employment insurance subscription history and print statements through mobile or in person.

고용보험 가입이력 조회


고용보험 가입이력 조회

Illustration of various workers
How to check employment insurance subscription history


1. What is employment insurance?

Employment insurance refers to the payment of unemployment benefits for a certain period of time to stabilize the livelihood of a worker when he or she loses his or her job, and to develop and improve vocational skills for job seekers, promote re-employment through active job-seeking activities, and provide vocational skill development projects and employment to prevent unemployment. It is a type of social insurance aimed at implementing stabilization projects, etc.


Since its enactment, the Employment Insurance Act has been revised several times to expand its scope of application, and since 2004, employment insurance has been expanded to include irregular workers such as part-time workers who work 15 hours a week and daily workers. In addition, insurance is applied to those newly hired after the age of 60, public workers and crew members directly carried out by the state or local governments, and in the case of construction work, insurance is also applied if the total construction amount is more than 20 million won. .


2. Employment insurance subscription history inquiry Internet (PC)

1. Access the [Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service Employment Industrial Accident Insurance] website and log in using SNS simple authentication or a public certificate.



Go to Employment Insurance Subscription History Inquiry



Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website


2. Personal Menu – Click the [Employment/Industrial Accident Insurance Qualification History Statement] menu.



Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website



3. Select insurance category (industrial accident, employment) and inquiry category (commercial, daily use) and click the search button.



Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website


4. After checking personal information and detailed history, select the workplace you want to print from the workplace details.


Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website


5. Select whether or not to include the occupation and click the apply or send email button.



Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website

6. Click Print Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement.


Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website


7. Click the print button at the top to print the employment insurance eligibility statement.




Employment and industrial accident insurance total service website

3. Mobile Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement



1. Download, install and run the Government 24 app.


-Android Download

Government 24 (formerly Civil Service 24) – Apps on Google Play

Government24 is the representative government portal of the Republic of Korea that provides integrated government services, civil complaints, subsidies24, policies and information.


– Download for iPhone


‎Government 24 (formerly Civil Service 24)

‎1. Service – Civil complaint application is a service that allows you to receive guidance, view, apply, and issue necessary civil complaints via the Internet anytime, anywhere without visiting an administrative agency. – Complainants have a processing agency for over 5,000 types of civil affairs.



2. Search for employment insurance in the search box and go to the employment insurance qualification history service.


Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry



3. This is a service that issues a confirmation of employment insurance subscription history. Click the Issue button.


Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry



3. Proceed with simple authentication and joint/financial authentication.




Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry



4. Select the working date and receipt method to be printed and click the Apply button.


Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry


5. Processing is complete and click the Preview button to confirm.



Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry


6. You can check your employment insurance eligibility details. [Document printing on mobile devices is limited.]





Government 24 App Employment Insurance Qualification Inquiry


4. Other inquiry methods

If you visit in person to check your employment insurance subscription history, you can check it at the employment center in charge of your place of residence. You can also check your subscription history through mail or fax from the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service.