엑셀 자격증 [Latest] TOP 3 Excel certifications helpful for employment

엑셀 자격증TOP 3 Excel certifications helpful for employment

[[My table of contents]]

Are you thinking about acquiring an Excel-related certification? To be blunt, the most recommended certification related to Excel is the ‘Computer Ability’ certification. ‘Computer literacy’ is probably a certification that anyone preparing for employment has heard of. First, let’s look at the types of Excel-related certifications.
Excel-related certifications include ‘MOS’, ‘Office Automation Industrial Engineer’, and ‘Computer Utilization’. The cost of acquisition, difficulty, and use of each certification are summarized as follows.

Among the types of Excel certifications I explained earlier, the Excel certification that I personally recommend the most is ‘Computer Utilization’. There are several reasons why I recommend obtaining a ‘Computer Literacy’ certification.

Computer literacy written test
Computer literacy practical test

The 2021 Excel certification exam schedule for the computer literacy test was previously divided into regular and regular exams, but starting this year, it can be taken as a regular exam. In other words, it is now possible to take regular exams once or twice a month, rather than four times a year. This is really good news for those preparing for employment^^

We have organized the 2022 Excel certification exam dates by type.

We learned about the TOP 3 Excel certifications that are helpful for employment. We focused on learning about MOS, office automation industry engineers, and computer usage skills. Please note that ITQ Excel certification is not recommended. Among the TOP3 Excel certifications, if you pass the exam, we recommend the computer proficiency test, which can be issued immediately after applying for the Excel certification. Also, considering the time it takes to acquire an Excel certification, if you are considering obtaining an Excel certification to help with future employment and gain additional points for promotion, I personally highly recommend the computer literacy certification. You can easily acquire Excel certification through self-study at a relatively low cost, and since there are regular exams more than dozens of times a year, the acquisition period is relatively short. Also, since you do not have to worry about studying and obtaining certification, I hope that you will take this opportunity to obtain an Excel certification and it will be of great help in your job search.^^

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