자리톡 월세환급 Apply for a monthly rent refund on JariTalk and get 1,020,000 won back :: Apply for 2023 work incentives

자리톡 월세환급However, not many people know that they can receive a rent refund when they rent. Monthly rent refund is a benefit provided by the government. This article explains how to apply for a monthly rent refund, refund amount, and conditions through ZariTalk.

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JariTalk is a monthly rent refund application used by landlords, tenants, and brokers. You can start via your mobile phone number or KakaoTalk. If you would like to receive a refund, please first verify your identity.

You can also receive a monthly rent refund through Hometax. However, the process is relatively complicated and can be difficult to do in time. JariTalk automatically and quickly processes computerized payments like freelance Samjjeomsam refunds.

The method to apply for a monthly rent refund in Jaritak is as follows.

Monthly rent refund conditions are divided into two types: tax deduction and income deduction. These two are completely different terms.

A tax credit is a form of tax reduction from the amount of tax you pay, and an income deduction is a system that reduces your income so you pay less tax. The two conditions are slightly different and the calculation method is different, so please see the information below and apply separately.

Please note that the tax credit conditions are a little more stringent, but the deduction rate and deduction amount are more advantageous than income deductions, so check whether you meet the tax credit conditions and, if not, apply for a refund as an income deduction.

Apply for monthly rent tax credit

There are a total of five tax credit conditions. First of all, only workers covered by the four major insurance policies are eligible for tax deductions. Freelancers withholding tax of 3.3% cannot deduct it.

Also, the head of the household and all household members must be homeless. Simply put, the head of the household, including the spouse, immediate ascendants, and siblings, must all be homeless.

Workers with a total salary of 70 million won or less are eligible for tax deductions. In the case of comprehensive income, it must be less than 60 million won. Self-employed people without earned income cannot apply.

Those who live in a house that is smaller than the national housing scale or whose standard market price is less than 300 million won can apply. The building includes an officetel and a gosiwon, but does not include a dormitory.

Lastly, the move-in report must be completed in order to properly complete the monthly rent refund application.

Apply for monthly rent income deduction
If you do not meet the tax credit conditions, you can receive a monthly rent refund as an income deduction. The conditions for income deduction are relatively not strict.

You don’t have to own a home, and there’s no gross salary requirement. However, the deduction is only available for earned income.

Also, we do not look at the square footage or standard market price of the house. There are no separate moving-in reporting requirements. This means that you can probably get a refund.

However, one condition must be met. Please note that only tenants who are wage earners specified in the rental agreement can apply.

The monthly rent refund amount is also different for tax credit and income deduction. As for the refund amount itself, the tax credit is greater than the income deduction, so once again, check first whether you meet the conditions for the tax credit, and if not, apply for the income deduction.

There is a deduction limit for the tax credit refund amount. The deductible limit is 7.5 million won per year, and if it exceeds 7.5 million won, you will have to pay more than that.

The refund amount is calculated by multiplying the deduction limit of 7.5 million won per year by the deduction rate. This value can be up to 1.02 million won.

If the total salary is less than 70 million won or the comprehensive income is less than 60 million won, a deduction of up to 15% is possible, and if the salary is less than 55 million won or the comprehensive income is less than 40 million won, a deduction of up to 17% is possible.

Calculate your tax credit refund

In the case of refund amounts, it is advantageous to use the Zaritalk monthly rent refund website because it is automatically calculated by Zaritalk.

Calculating the income deduction refund amount can be done in the same way as calculating the income deduction for credit card usage, etc. The lesser of 20% of the total salary or the salary-specific deduction amount will be applied.

Among the total amount of credit card, debit card, prepaid card, and cash receipts used, 15% of the amount exceeding 25% of the total salary is deducted. Please note that up to 30% of cash receipts are deducted.

Simply put, your expenses must exceed 25% of your salary, and you can only calculate and receive a refund for the excess amount.

Calculate income deduction refund amount

Calculating the income tax refund amount is complicated and takes a long time to do on your own, so it is advantageous to use an automatic calculation site such as Zaritalk.

You can also check your bill on the Jaritak monthly rent refund site. You can be kicked out of your home if you are behind on your payments even twice, but since JariTalk sends you a monthly rent bill, you won’t have to pay late if the circumstances allow.

Complaints can also be submitted through the app, so if it is difficult to speak directly, you can file a complaint through the Jaritalk monthly rent refund site.

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