자리톡 월세환급 신청방법 및 총정리 Jaritak monthly rent refund application method and summary

Today, we will check how to apply for a monthly rent refund on JariTalk.

As the year-end tax settlement season approaches, many people will be preparing and researching what types of income deductions or tax deductions they can receive.

Tenants renting on a monthly basis can also receive a refund through the National Tax Service tax deduction.

자리톡 월세환급

자리톡 월세환급

Do you know of any app that helps with refunds? It’s an app called JariTalk. Let’s check how to apply for a monthly rent refund through JariTalk.

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1 Monthly rent refund?
2 Monthly rent refund conditions
3 digit talk?
4 Check how to apply for a monthly rent refund (National Tax Service, JariTalk)
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6 Go to National Tax Service Hometax >>
Monthly rent refund?
Office workers probably carry out year-end tax settlement every year. When doing year-end tax settlement, you will check major income and tax deduction items.

There are personal deductions, income deductions, tax deductions for medical and education expenses, etc. Among these, tax deductions are also available for monthly rent.

This is called a monthly rent refund.

In the case of monthly rent refund, it is not provided unconditionally. The total annual salary must be less than 70 million won, the head of the household does not own a house, and a deduction is made for the monthly rent paid while living in a rented house that meets the requirements such as size and standards.

Monthly rent refund conditions
Non-homeowner or household member
Earned income earner annual gross salary of 70 million won or less
Houses that meet the national housing scale or have a standard market price of 300 million won or less

If you meet these requirements, you must apply the monthly rent tax deduction when reporting year-end tax settlement or comprehensive income tax and submit related certification documents.

You will need a copy of the rental agreement or the account details where the monthly rent was transferred.


Zari talk?
In fact, it is not easy to do year-end tax settlement through the National Tax Service’s home tax system.

Because tax credit items are so diverse and complex, many people think it is difficult to apply for a monthly rent refund.

So, there is an app that helps with this part easily. This is ‘Zari Talk’.

You can think of JariTalk as an app that manages rentals. If you enter the details of the contract you are currently using, you can check payment details, bills, etc.

You can think of it as a way for landlords and residents to manage their rental together through an app.

You can receive notifications about monthly rent dates, check payment details, and even file complaints. You can also use the monthly rent refund service, which is today’s topic.

You can think of it as an app that helps you apply for the monthly rent tax credit offered by Hometax.

Check how to apply for a monthly rent refund (National Tax Service, JariTalk)
So, let’s find out how to apply for a monthly rent refund through the app and the National Tax Service. First, let’s check how to apply through the National Tax Service.

When you access the Hometax website, click [Consultation/Report] in the top menu, and then click Cash Receipt Complaint Report > Housing Rent (Monthly Rent) Service to check [Application for tax credit for monthly rent for housing rent].

Then, you can check the deduction eligibility, deduction rate, monthly rent tax deduction requirements, limits, and certification documents.

And rather than applying at any time, you can use the housing fund/monthly rent section in the search and issuance of income tax credit data on the National Tax Service’s year-end tax settlement simplification screen when performing year-end tax settlement.


If you have difficulty applying for a monthly rent refund through the National Tax Service’s Hometax, it is a good idea to use ZariTalk. Simply log in to JariTalk and click the [Monthly Rent Refund] menu to get started.

Then, a new window will pop up asking various questions about whether monthly rent is refundable. Please check the information according to your information. You can check whether you are eligible based on whether or not you meet the monthly rent refund standard requirements.



And if you are eligible, detailed information will be provided on what materials you need and how to proceed through Hometax. Then, if you follow the instructions in order, your monthly rent refund application will be completed.

Above, we have introduced you to monthly rent refunds and outlined how to apply. If you meet the criteria, please do not miss out and receive a refund.