밀키트 창업 Is it possible to start a meal kit business? What does it cost? What is your vision? – Manin Post

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Is it possible to start a meal kit business? They say that starting a business based on a hot item is risky, but we offer guidance to prospective entrepreneurs who are worried about what it will be like. We will look at the pros and cons of starting a meal kit business, and the author, who has worked in the startup market for many years, will give his personal opinion on what it is like to start a meal kit business.
1) Unmanned: The time available for use increases compared to other start-ups. 2) Labor costs: Since it is unmanned, there is almost no labor cost. 3) Two-job: Sales are automatically increasing at the store, so other production activities are possible.
1) Inventory management (expiration date, disposal): Fresh foods have a short expiration date. If there is a lot of disposal, the loss increases. 2) Competitors invade (stores in the same industry, nearby supermarkets, the Internet): The barrier to entry is low, so competitors are likely to come in droves, and supermarkets and Internet shopping malls are also competitors. 3) Safety Problem (theft, fire): Because there is no person guarding it, it is vulnerable to theft or various accidents.
First of all, to conclude, I would like to discourage the establishment of a meal kit business. I believe that the most important thing in business is “price”. Whether it is a restaurant business, an individual business, or a stock market, it is much easier to buy a snack at a supermarket. Also, the factor that determines it is “price”. First of all, if you look at the selling prices of this meal kit… .uh… hmm… It’s not cheap at all… ?;;I also go in from time to time, but in reality, it is not much different from buying and eating outside. The proportion of products that are brought home and cooked in the end is also very high. Why not…? ?This is a problem from a consumer perspective, and it seems even more difficult from a business perspective. First of all, it seems difficult to select a commercial district and location. Even in residential commercial districts, you need to find a place with a good location. These days, even if you can find a place like this with cheap monthly rent. It starts at over 2 million won. I don’t know how much the expected sales will be, but I’ve been to all kinds of unmanned coffee, laundromat, and ice cream stores, but it’s really hard to find a place with monthly sales over 10 million won. In fact, in general, monthly sales are mainly 200 to 500 won. ;; Even if it only costs around 10 million won, it seems to be a business that is doing quite well. Should we subtract the water bill from here? Should we subtract the monthly rent and utility fees from here? Excluding other costs (CCTV, insurance premiums, POS devices, internet, etc.)… … … .From here, the structure is already difficult to make a profit. Why? Because there are no sales… .But what is the bigger problem? Competitive stores are coming in again, right? Then, it is just a form of sharing the existing sales, which does not increase the total sales of the commercial area. It is a form of sharing and then dying. There are discount events at large supermarkets and there are many convenient and cheaper substitutes on the Internet, but the sales price of the meal kit itself is not competitive. Will it be a business? If you look at it positively, anything is fine, but starting a business must be viewed extremely conservatively. How many business owners and stores have I seen who have both thrived and failed? The number of successful people is overwhelming in Korea if you look at the “natural number” alone. However, the “ratio” ” It is “tragic”… .^^;;Of course, this is also a foolish conclusion based on my narrow insight, so please use it as a reference when starting a business, but the decision is your own, so please review it carefully.
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