요양보호사 국비지원 Comprehensive summary of eligibility requirements & application method & cost & employment for national support for nursing care workers

요양보호사 국비지원A nursing care worker is a person who obtains a license by passing a qualification exam after receiving training at an educational institution that educates and nurtures nursing care workers. These days, some people do it for the purpose of family care. This certification can be said to kill two birds with one stone, as it allows you to take care of your family while also receiving benefits. It can be said that it is a popular certification among older people who are preparing for their second life, as it is easy to get a job not only for your family, but also for a caregiver with a nursing care certification.

The exam requires completion of 240 hours of theoretical, practical, and hands-on training. To take the exam, you must complete classes at a nursing care training institution.

In general, the general public is eligible to take the nursing care worker certification exam by completing 240 hours of classes at an educational institution recognized by the city or provincial governor.

Source: National Research Council

Nursing care assistantship is a nationally funded certification. You must obtain a National Tomorrow Learning Card from the Ministry of Employment and Labor. If you apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card online at HRD-Net, you will be issued a card. After that, you can register for classes on the vocational training portal site. Generally, if you do not receive government funding, you will have to pay tuition fees of around 600,000 to 700,000 won. If you have a Tomorrow Learning card, you will receive government funding. The personal cost can be estimated at around 150,000 to 200,000 won. Tuition fees may vary depending on the academy, so it is best to check directly.

Once you acquire a nursing care worker license, you can get a job in a variety of places.
Salaries may vary slightly depending on where you work, but most hourly wages are around 12,000 won, and for family care, you can be paid from 440,000 won per month to a maximum of 930,000 won per month for one hour or 90 minutes of nursing care per day.

Nursing care worker certification 2022 exam schedule and what to do after obtaining it
Nursing care worker certification 2022 exam schedule and what to do after obtaining it
Obtaining a Nursing Care Practitioner Certification The passing rate for the 2022 Nursing Care Practitioner Certification is high. It is a certification with a high passing rate, generally around 86-90%. This is a popular certification among people in their 50s and 60s. ruler
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