쌀벌레 없애는법 How to get rid of rice bugs – identity and causes of rice bugs (feat. eco-friendly method)

쌀벌레 없애는법We will tell you what rice bugs are, what causes them, and how to get rid of them when they appear.

Rice bugs are not one type of bug, but refer to all bugs that live in rice containers. Types of rice bugs include rice weevils, mealy mites, coiled bugs, and flower moths, but the ones we mainly see are the rice weevils and rice weevils.

Rice bugs occur because rice bugs invade rice containers, lay eggs in them, and become parasitic. However, even if the rice container is sealed or a vacuum rice container is used to block the passage for foreign substances, rice bugs may occur.

The reason is that rice bugs have been inside the rice since it was packaged before distribution. Therefore, when you first buy rice, you cannot be sure whether it will have rice bugs because you cannot clearly see the inside.

For this reason, rather than expecting there to be no rice bugs at all, you should use methods to eliminate rice bugs under the assumption that rice bugs may occur.

Even if the rice has rice bugs, it doesn’t matter if you just wash it well and eat it. However, rice bugs mainly eat rice germ, and such rice has no nutrients.

And in the case of rice weevils, it is said that their excrement contains a substance called quinone. Quinone is a carcinogen and has negative effects on the human body if ingested. However, since rice bugs excrete only a very small amount, the quinone contained in their excrement does not have a significant negative effect on us.

If you wash the rice well, there will be no rice bugs, and it will be okay because it will be washed away with excrement, but it can be unpleasant, so it is better to take measures in advance to prevent rice bugs from forming.

Below is how to get rid of rice bugs when they occur. Rice bugs can be prevented if you try to do so preemptively, so please use it appropriately.

The only way to prevent rice bugs without adding anything to rice is to keep it refrigerated. When refrigerated, rice bugs can be naturally killed because the temperature is not at a temperature where rice bugs can survive.

Putting rice in a PET bottle or other airtight container and storing it in the refrigerator is the perfect way to prevent moisture and store it in an environment where rice bugs cannot survive.

However, due to the large volume of rice, there is a limitation in that it cannot be stored in large quantities in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is good to know how to get rid of rice bugs when storing rice outside at room temperature.

Charcoal is famous as a natural desiccant that removes moisture. It also has the advantages of antibacterial and deodorizing effects. If you put charcoal in the rice container, you can prevent the humidity from increasing and create a comfortable environment to prevent rice bugs from forming.

There are many products on the market that can prevent rice bugs. The product below is only 2,000 won at Daiso, but many reviews say it is effective. Using these products can also be said to be an easy way to get rid of rice bugs.

Rice is the food we eat, so when trying to get rid of rice bugs, it is better to use a safe method. Therefore, it is a good idea to put foods (ingredients) that rice bugs dislike into the rice container.

Foods that rice bugs dislike include cinnamon, garlic, and red pepper.

All of these methods are safe, so you can try them all at once. Since this is the food we eat anyway, it is a safer and safer method than using rice bug remover.
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