경찰체력시험 Police physical fitness table, police officer physical fitness test evaluation criteria (2020 police officer recruitment schedule)

경찰체력시험Currently, the physical fitness test for recruitment of police officers in Korea evaluates five items: 100m run, 1000m run, sit-ups, left and right grip strength, and push-ups for both men and women. Scoring is based on the police physical strength table, and if the total score is 19 points or less, you will fail.

For police officers, final acceptance is determined based on 50% of the first written test, 25% of the second practical test, 20% of the interview, and 5% of additional points. If you have an accident that results in your driver’s license being revoked, your passing may be canceled due to reasons such as not meeting the qualifications for taking the test. This is because to apply for a police officer, you must have a valid Class 1 regular (manual/automatic transmission limited conditions) license for driving a patrol car.

The police officer physical fitness test evaluates five items for both men and women: 100m run, 1000m run, sit-ups, left and right grip strength, and push-ups. According to Article 43 of the Police Officer Appointment Ordinance, a total score of 19 points or less is disqualified.

If more than one of the five evaluation items receives a score of 1, you will not pass even if the total score exceeds 19 points. The specific measurement method for each evaluation item of the physical fitness test is determined by the Commissioner of the National Police Agency. The standards for measuring scores for men and women are different, and there are also differences in passing time and number of points according to score.

In the case of the 100m run, if a man runs within 13 seconds and a woman runs within 15.5 seconds, they will receive the highest score of 10 points. There is a difference of about 2.5 seconds in the standard for a perfect score (10 points) for men and women.

The perfect score (10 points) of 15.5 seconds for female police officers is within the range of 15.1 seconds to 15.5 seconds, which is the 5-point score for male applicants. In the case of the 1000m run, the standard of 10 points for men and women is 230 seconds (3 minutes 50 seconds) and 290 seconds (4 minutes 50 seconds), respectively. If a female candidate runs under 290 seconds, she gets full 10 points, but a male candidate finishes with the same record. If you pass, you will receive the lowest score of 1, which means you will fail.

The standard for a perfect score for sit-ups is 58 for men and 55 or more for women per minute, and for the left and right grip test, a perfect score is given when a man weighs more than 61 kg and a woman weighs more than 40 kg. In general, the 10-point standard for female test takers is about the same as the 5-point standard for male test takers on average for 5 sports.

In the case of push-ups, men must do more than 58 push-ups per minute, and women must do more than 50 push-ups per minute to score 10 points. In principle, men should keep their head in a straight line, bend their arms and keep the distance between their body (head and legs) and the mat within 5cm, and then return to their original position. Female candidates should do knee push-ups (arms with knees on the floor). Knee push ups are allowed.

In the case of a 100-meter run, the measured value is rounded to the second decimal place, in the case of a 1,000-meter run, the first decimal place is rounded off, and in the case of left and right grip strength, the number is rounded to the first decimal place.

The physical examination includes physique, vision, color vision, hearing, blood pressure, cross-eye, and tattoos. Visual acuity (including corrected visual acuity) must be 0.8 or higher in both eyes, and hearing is considered normal (able to hear sounds below 40 decibels (dB) on each side) to pass.

Must not have high blood pressure (if systolic blood pressure exceeds 145 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure exceeds 90 mmHg) or hypotension (if systolic blood pressure is less than 90 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or diastolic blood pressure is less than 60 mmHg), and does not defame a police officer You must not have any tattoos that you feel you can do.

The 2020 police officer recruitment will be held in rounds 1 and 2. The first round of police officer recruitment is scheduled to select 1,789 men and 690 women. The announcement date is February 21st (Friday) and the written exam will be held on April 4th (Saturday).

The second round of police recruitment in 2020 will recruit 1,760 men and 680 women, which is 29 fewer men and 10 fewer women than the first round. The announcement date is Friday, September 17th, and the written exam will be held on Saturday, August 29th. Including the 101st Security Group, the number of people scheduled to be hired in the first and second rounds in 2020 is approximately 2,560.

Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 40 to apply for the police officer recruitment, and must hold a Class 1 regular or heavy-duty driver’s license by the application deadline. In the case of police officers, they must drive a patrol car, so if their license is revoked or not obtained, they do not meet the hiring standards.

The interview test is divided into group interview and individual interview. For the group interview, the evaluation items include accuracy, logic, and professional knowledge of the presentation, and for the individual interview, the evaluation items include conduct, courtesy, courtesy, honesty, morality, and compliance with the law.

If the majority of the interview committee members evaluate any one evaluation element below 2 points, the applicant will be disqualified. Individuals who have contributed to independence or the May 18th Democratic Movement will receive an additional 10% or 5% of the perfect score for each subject and test of the written test. However, it only applies to those who score 40% or more in all subjects.

