국민취업지원제도 2유형 National Employment Support System Type 2 participation allowance, training participation support allowance payment conditions and application method – A Clockwork Orange

국민취업지원제도 2유형[[My table of contents]]

The Stage 1 participation allowance is an allowance paid to participants who have completed Stage 1 of the National Employment Support System Type 2 and established an Employment Activity Plan (IAP). As an actual cost allowance covering food and transportation expenses, the participation allowance can be paid in duplicate with various allowances paid by other businesses.

The participation allowance is paid based on the number of visits to the center and the income level of the beneficiary until IAP is established. The basic payment amount is 150,000 won, and an additional 50,000 won to 100,000 won is paid depending on program completion. Participants from low-income and special groups can receive up to 250,000 won, and young and middle-aged participants can receive up to 200,000 won.

Step 1 Participation Allowance Payment

You can apply for participation allowance immediately after completing the first stage of employment activity plan. When applying, you must submit proof of program participation, such as a participation allowance payment application form, group counseling program completion certificate, or a copy of the attendance register. The allowance will be paid to your account within 14 days from the date of application.

The training participation support allowance is an allowance paid for the purpose of alleviating the burden of livelihood of recipients who are participating in the second stage of vocational training according to the employment activity plan.

■ Types of vocational training provided with allowances
1) National Tomorrow Learning Card
2) Non-degree course training for less than 1 year at Korea Polytechnic University
3) Training conducted by Korea Polytechnic University entrusted to the government and autonomous districts
4) Training for prospective employees of the National Human Resources Development Consortium
5) Training provided by the employer to prospective employees
6) Vocational training conducted by Korea Agency for Persons with Disabilities
7) Vocational training project among regional job creation projects
8) Work-study parallel system
9) Training courses other than the account suitability training course certified by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
10) Others (entrepreneurship education, K-move school domestic training course, group training during account-based internet remote training, etc.)

The training participation support allowance is 18,000 won per training day based on a unit period (1 month), and the maximum monthly payment is 284,000 won. The payment period is up to 6 months from the initial training start date.

Training participation support allowance is paid if you attend more than 80% of the training courses within the payment unit period. If you are late, leave early, or go out three times, you will be treated as one day of absence and your attendance rate will be calculated. Since attendance has been made for the relevant late arrivals, early departures, and outing days, the training participation support allowance will be paid normally.

■ What if I give up taking training because of employment?
If the reason for withdrawing from training is employment, an allowance will be paid for the participation days prior to the date of withdrawal, regardless of whether or not the student attends more than 80% of the time. However, if the reason for withdrawing from a course is other than employment, payment will be made only if you attend more than 80% of the semester.

■ Reasons and number of days for which absence is acknowledged as attendance
① Training, examination, citizenship, etc.: time required or number of days required
② Marriage: 5 days for person, 1 day for child
③ Death: 5 days for spouse and parents, 2 days for grandparents, 1 day for siblings
④ Childbirth: Spouse 5 days
⑤ Illness, hospitalization: Time or number of days required for the individual and children only
⑥ Vacation: 1st day of the month

If two or more courses are taken on the same day and both are absent, they are excluded from the payment days, and if more than one course is attended, they are recognized as allowance payment days. Even if you attend two or more courses on the same day, the allowance is paid as one day.

You can apply for the training participation support allowance by submitting an application form, attendance rate, and a copy of the attendance record after one month has elapsed from the start date of the first training course. After verifying the application and facts, you can receive the allowance within 14 days from the date of submitting the application.

The 3rd stage participation allowance is an allowance that supports actual expenses incurred when participants visit employment centers or entrusted agencies for employment counseling during the job placement stage.

An allowance of 20,000 won is paid once a month to participants who provide intensive employment counseling or job placement for at least 30 minutes at the employment center or entrusted agency. (Payment limit: Up to 3 times, a total of 60,000 won. However, attendance is mandatory on the first consultation day in stage 3, so it is excluded from payment.)

The 3rd stage participation allowance is paid in a lump sum at the end of the 3rd stage period, and is paid within 14 days from the date of application by the recipient.

[Reference] Summary of National Employment Support System Employment Success Allowance application method and payment conditions

Type 2 allowance

국민취업지원제도 2유형

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