현대카드 고객센터 Connecting to Hyundai Card Customer Center (Hyundai Card ARS Service)

현대카드 고객센터let’s run


Why is it so difficult to connect to an agent at the credit card company customer center?
I think everyone who has called the Hyundai Card customer service center will agree.
No matter how many times I press the visible ARS or the audible ARS, there are many cases where I get annoyed because I can’t connect to an agent.
Today, I would like to tell you how to connect to the Hyundai Card Customer Center – Agent.
You can use it easily by following the article below.

If you have any inquiries regarding the use of Hyundai Card, you will make a call to the Hyundai Card ARS Customer Center (1577-6000).
If you make a call, you will be notified of a different number for the consultation type as shown below.
After hearing the number, you can select it by pressing the keypad, but you may have forgotten it, so I will summarize it below.

Government subsidy application and inquiry – No. 7
Theft and lost voice phishing number 8
Personal card consultation – No. 1
Corporate card consultation – No. 2
Merchant – No. 3
Non-member card application Check card issuance status Gift card simple consultation – 4
To hear the service again – * (asterisk)

In this state, please select Personal Card Consultation No. 1

If yes, please select 1
Please enter a 4-digit password

Visible pressing ARS – 1
Verbal ARS – No. 2

In order to connect with a counselor, you must use visible ARS.
When selecting visible ARS, do not end the call and use it while looking at the mobile phone screen.

If you have come to the visible ARS screen, you are almost done.
For simple inquiries or checks that do not require contact with a counselor, it may be a faster and more convenient way to check by selecting a service.
However, please use it only when you need to connect to a counselor if the usage details are incorrect or if you have other inquiries.
As a result of using it, it seems that most services can be processed and checked on the screen below.
I remember that connecting with an agent took quite a while. (Approximately 1-5 minutes waiting required)

1. On the ARS service main screen as shown below, select the More button at the top right.
Visible ARS screen

2. If you scroll down the bottom, there is a [Contact Agent] button. please select.
Select agent connection

3. Please select the type of consultation you want.
Select Consultation Type

4. As shown below, “Use real-time chatting counseling without waiting for counseling.” A pop-up screen will occur.
Select the [Consultation Waiting] button.
Select waiting for consultation

5. As shown in the left screen below,   “We are consulting while wearing a mask to prevent corona infection.
Please excuse me if the counselor’s voice is not clear. ”
An alert will occur and if you select [OK], you will be connected to an agent.
After connecting to the agent, the visible ARS is automatically terminated.

An information pop-up appears, and when connecting to a counselor, the visible ARS is automatically terminated.

Today, we learned how to connect to an agent at the Hyundai Card ARS Customer Center.
I wonder if the agent connection is a little complicated and hidden in order to reduce the agent connection and increase the service in the same way as chat counseling.
In fact, many inquiries coming in through the agent connection can be resolved through the ARS service area, inquiry area provided by the app/web, or chat consultation.
Waiting time may take longer than expected when connecting to an agent.
If you use the app / web chat consultation, please use it simply.
That concludes today’s post. thank you

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