버스전용차로 위반 범칙금 What are the penalty points and fines for violating city bus lanes?

버스전용차로 위반 범칙금▶ Can’t the city bus-only lanes run on anything other than buses? Passage is allowed only in case of emergency or for taxis that do not interfere with some traffic. ▶ How much is the penalty for violating the city bus lane? A minimum fine of 40,000 won to a maximum of 60,000 won is imposed.

This can also be found in the Road Traffic Act.

Violation of city bus lanes, penalty points and fines, and how much bus lanes are largely divided into two types. There are two bus-only lanes on highways and bus-only lanes in the middle of the city. Since fines and characteristics are slightly different from each other, you must understand the characteristics of these and keep traffic order through normal operation.

Bus-only lanes in the city are divided into areas where the center of the road is a bus-only lane (Seoul, Busan, etc.) and areas where the edge of the road is a bus-only lane (Incheon, etc.). If the middle of the road is a bus-only lane, it is operated 24 hours a day, so in most cases it is impossible to enter unless it is an emergency vehicle. 1. In case the edge bus lanes are full-time – 7:00 am – 9:00 pm 2. In case the edge bus lanes are not full-time – 7-10 am, 5:00 pm – 9:00 I do. Then, on what grounds will the penalty be imposed when the city bus lane, which is the core content, is violated? And how much is that amount?

– Grounds for Exclusive City Bus Lanes (Road Traffic Act Article 15) Road Traffic Act Article 15 (Installation of Exclusive Lanes) Article 1 Refers to a lane that is present. The same below) can be installed. Paragraph 2 ▶ Types of exclusive lanes, cars that can pass through exclusive lanes, and other matters necessary for the operation of exclusive lanes shall be determined by Presidential Decree. Paragraph 3 ▶ Unless a car can pass through an exclusive lane pursuant to Paragraph 2, it shall not pass through an exclusive lane. However, this is not the case in cases prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as when an emergency vehicle is being operated for its original urgent purpose.

– Penalty for violation of exclusive lanes for city buses (Appendix 6 of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act) Vans such as employers of vehicles passing from general roads to exclusive lanes in violation of Article 15 Paragraph 3 of the Road Traffic Act: 60,000 won (10 penalty points) Passenger cars: 50,000 won (10 penalty points) Two-wheeled vehicles: 40,000 won

We looked at the penalty points and fines for city bus-only lane violations. Violation of expressway bus lanes is 10,000 won + 20 penalty points for each item.
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버스전용차로 위반 범칙금
