페이코 포인트 현금화 How to cash out and withdraw cultural gift certificates (Feat. PAYCO)

페이코 포인트 현금화It may be blocked in the future, so be sure to try after checking the withdrawal with the minimum amount.

Occasionally, cultural gift certificates may be obtained by winning an event and receiving prizes or gifts.
This so-called condolence statue has a lot of uses, but it is convenient to use.
Still, there are times when you want to cash out.
Cashing out condolences is the foundation of Sangtech.

The app that cashes condolences is Payco.
Recharge for condolences – Convert to Payco points – Withdrawal
Therefore, condolences that cannot be converted to PAYCO points cannot be cashed in this way.
Condolences that can be converted to PAYCO points are Culture Land, Happy Money, and Book & Life. (As of May 2023)

Recharge with points on the cultural gift certificate homepage on each homepage.

I went to Culture Land because it was a Culture Land cultural gift certificate.

PAYCO point recharge screen

Then, you will see a screen asking you to log in to Culture Land.
Login to Payco Culture Land

The minimum charge is 1,000 points, and the conversion fee from Culture Land to Payco is 8%.
If you convert 1,000 won, 920 won is charged.

Payco Sangtech

Then, it is confirmed that 920 won has been charged, and if you click refund, it will be withdrawn in cash.
However, if you press “Refund” as it is, the convertible amount will come out as 0.
Payco Sangtech

This is because some of the accumulated points must be used to withdraw cash.
Therefore, it is used by pressing “Convert” to switch to another point.

Payco Sangtech

Points that can be converted are Naver Pay, L Point, SK Pay Point, SSG Money, H Point, NH Point
All of them are cash points, but I think Naver Pay is the most convenient to use.
It does a little conversion to Naver Pay.

Convert Payco points

Convert the minimum amount of 10 points.

The remaining points can then be refunded in cash.

Payco Sangtech

Book Culture, Happy Money, and Culture Land cultural gift certificates are exempt from refund fees.
Bookn Life cultural gift certificates are book culture gift certificates.

Payco Sangtech
Payco Sangtech

This is how I ended up cashing in.

Since the fee is 8% off, if you buy a cultural gift certificate worth 50,000 won for 46,000 won and work on it, it’s your money’s worth.
Then why are you doing this?
1. If you have no use for the condolences received as a gift and want to cash them
2. To build up credit card performance if the credit card recognizes the purchase of gift certificates as performance
3. If you can purchase condolences at a discount rate higher than 8% at carrot markets, etc.
4. If there is no place to spend the welfare points paid at work, but it is possible to purchase condolences

Normally, credit cards do not recognize purchases of gift certificates as credit card usage.
However, sometimes the purchase of gift certificates is recognized as performance, and it is used in such cases.
It is for benefits such as reducing the monthly mobile phone bill when the monthly usage record of the credit card is filled.

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