포토샵 글꼴 추가 How to Add Photoshop Fonts

포토샵 글꼴 추가Therefore, in addition to the fonts used by default, fonts are sometimes added if necessary. There are two main ways to add fonts to Photoshop, both of which are similar and simple, but have some advantages and disadvantages, so depending on the situation, the necessary method Wouldn’t it be nice to add a font with .

1. Add fonts to Windows.
The first method is to add fonts to Windows.
By default, the fonts used in Photoshop are set to use the fonts in Windows.
So if you add a font to Windows, of course, the font is also added to Photoshop.

However, installing a font in Windows means that the same font is added not only to Photoshop but also to other programs such as Hangeul, Word, and Excel, so if it is a font to be used in all programs, there is no problem. It is good to consider adding this.

The addition method is simple, just copy or move the downloaded font file (TTF, OTF) to the Windows font folder.
– Windows font folder path

2. Add fonts to Photoshop.
The second method is to add fonts that are only needed for Photoshop.
This method has the advantage that fonts are not added to Windows, so fonts are not added to other programs.
Therefore, it is recommended to add it through this method if it is a font that will only be used in Photoshop.

The method is similar to the above, and the path to move or copy the fonts is slightly different depending on the version of Photoshop. In some cases, the fonts folder does not exist.
– Photoshop font folder path (if installed in c:\)
32-bit: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\fonts
64 bit: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\fonts

Adding too many fonts to Windows can slow down all the programs that use them.
Therefore, if the font is necessary in Photoshop, it would be better to use the method of adding the font only to Photoshop. (This also helps with managing fonts in Windows.)

Links to Related Articles

How to restore Windows 10 default fonts How to change Windows 10 fonts (add and change size)

Links to Related Articles

How to restore Windows 10 default fonts
How to change Windows 10 font (add and change size)

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