간헐적 단식 커피 Do you drink coffee during intermittent fasting? ::: 82cook.com Free Bulletin Board

간헐적 단식 커피What.. Gastritis.. It’s an ambush
I didn’t even think
I can’t even think of rice, but it’s a big deal because I really want to drink coffee.
It’s coffee that I grind and brew myself.
I guess you want to stimulate your 5 senses.
Drink bulletproof coffee.
It’s hard when I don’t eat anything because of work.
There are different opinions about whether Americano can be consumed during intermittent fasting.

When you consume Americano, it is not good to eat it on an empty stomach as it temporarily raises blood sugar and increases insulin resistance.

However, if you do not currently have a major health problem such as diabetes and are intermittent fasting for the purpose of losing weight,

Americano seems to have positive effects such as secretion of adrenaline, so if you want to drink it, it seems safe to drink it.
Americano was said to be okay, but if the stomach is not good, it will be a burden on an empty stomach.
If you have a healthy stomach, you can drink it, or it’s really American style.
You sound like an old lady.
Take coffee on an empty stomach and eat meat bar
Iknow, right
I have an Americano and I’m like an old man.
Even writer Rhyu Si-min starts his life with morning coffee.
I’m a 16:8 experienced person, but I continued to drink coffee.
There was no effect on weight loss at all. You have to have that luck to survive.
I start my day with coffee on an empty stomach…
I heard that unflavored coffee is fine when intermittent fasting.
Sugar-free carbonated water, flavored no. in plain
Americano and water are allowed on an empty stomach.
I don’t like drinking coffee immediately after eating.
And why so much sugar? ㅡㅡ

188 Comments seem a little strange..

Hyekyung Kim, CEO of Hanmaru L&C Co., Ltd. Business registration number 110-81-72019
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