청년부부 결혼 축하금 지원 신청방법 Nonsan-si Youth Wedding Congratulatory Fund Support Eligibility and Application Method Summary

청년부부 결혼 축하금 지원 신청방법The ‘Youth Wedding Congratulatory Fund Support Project’ of Nonsan City, Chungcheongnam-do, which was introduced to encourage young people to marry, will be implemented from July 1st. Let’s take a look at the eligibility and application method for this policy to ease the financial burden of newlyweds and give them a stable start.

You must meet all of the eligibility requirements below and 23.1.1. married couple after

Wedding ceremony

There is a deadline for applying for the youth wedding congratulatory money, so it is recommended that you check in advance so as not to exceed the deadline.

The amount of support is KRW 7 million, which is paid in cash or local currency.
If one of the couples received wedding gift support, only half of the amount is paid.
You can apply by visiting the eup, myeon, or dong community service center of your address on your resident registration.

Nonsan Wedding Congratulatory Fund Support Project Poster

Go to Nonsan City Hall Notice

Nonsan-si Youth Wedding Congratulatory Fund Submission Documents and Instructions
Nonsan-si Youth Wedding Congratulatory Fund Submission Documents and Instructions
Let’s take a look at the documents to be submitted, the procedure, and notes for the Nonsan City Youth Wedding Congratulatory Fund Support Project, which was implemented to encourage a stable start for newlyweds and ease their financial burden. (*

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청년부부 결혼 축하금 지원 신청방법

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