카카오톡 조용히 나가기 방법 Kakao, KakaoTalk ‘Leave Chatting Room Quietly’ function added | cacao

카카오톡 조용히 나가기 방법– Started ‘KakaoTalk Easy’ project for user convenience and stress reduction, continuous update of functions within the year

[2023-05-10] Starting today, you will be able to quietly leave the KakaoTalk group chat room.

Kakao (CEO Hong Eun-taek) carried out the KakaoTalk update (v10.2.0) on the 10th and added the ‘Leave Chat Room Quietly’ function to the laboratory.

Users who have updated to the latest version can select the option to leave the chat room quietly in KakaoTalk Lab. If you leave the group chat room after selecting this option, the phrase ‘OOO has left’ will not be displayed to other participants. Through this, it is expected that the stress of users who have been inconvenienced by unnecessary messages and notifications in group chat rooms that have been infrequent chatting or missed the timing to leave is expected to be reduced.

This ‘leave the chat room quietly’ function was carried out as part of Kakao’s ‘Kakao Talk Easy’ project, which will be held throughout the year in 2023. ‘Kakao Talk Easy’ is a project that focuses on reducing the stress and burden of users’ conversations and improving convenience in daily life. It aims to add new features to KakaoTalk and improve existing ones so that anyone can safely use KakaoTalk without barriers.

Starting with this update, Kakao plans to continue adding features to reduce user stress within this year. It will include functions such as easily turning off notifications or setting the notification method to suit the user’s situation.

Hong Eun-taek, CEO of Kakao, said, “Kakao Talk has grown with the love of many people, with the number of messages sent over the past 10 years reaching 7.6 trillion. “We will continue to listen to user opinions and reflect various improvements to increase user satisfaction and strive to improve convenience.”

Meanwhile, Kakao continues to introduce various improvement measures that reflect users’ opinions with the goal of ‘closer and safer communication between people and between people and technology’.

Representatively, when a user who is not on the friend list invites you to a group chat room, ‘accept/reject invitation to a chat room with unknown friends’ to confirm acceptance, ‘reservation message’ usability improvement by removing the reservation message display, and ‘tox siren’ for user safety ‘ functions are being updated, and through the ‘KakaoTalk Manual’ page opened in April, various functions of KakaoTalk are introduced and how to set them up. (end)

카카오톡 조용히 나가기 방법
