노란우산공제 가입방법 Are there so many yellow umbrella deduction benefits? – Policies spoken by the people | news | Korea Policy Briefing

노란우산공제 가입방법For small businesses, various taxes that must be paid regularly every year will be a burden. Especially in times of soaring prices like these days, it would only be more difficult and difficult, but my close acquaintances were the same. After the closure, it succeeded in re-starting again, but due to Corona 19, the management was hit by a direct hit. Fortunately, sales stabilized again as regulations were eased, but net profits actually fell as prices rose. However, they say that it was difficult in many ways because it was impossible to give up and close the business again.

It is said that there was something that directly or indirectly helped in such a situation, and that is the Yellow Umbrella Deduction. This has the nature of pension savings as it allows you to save for the future and receive income deductions at the same time, and there is no separate maturity. Compared to work life, it is like retirement pay.
In fact, if you close your business, no matter how much government subsidy you get, considering the cost of demolishing buildings and closing your business, it is infinitely insufficient. Also, after completing all the procedures, the only thing left is the closure record. In this situation, it is a reality that there is no choice but to be in the middle of the day. That’s why I’m trying to hold on as much as possible, but my acquaintances also came up with a plan called yellow umbrella deduction rather than thinking about closing their business because of this.

If you look at the Yellow Umbrella Deduction, the first thing that catches your eye is the income deduction. It is said that an income deduction of up to 5 million won per year is provided for the payment of installments. If you are a small business owner with an annual income of less than 40 million won, you can expect a tax savings of at least 330,000 won to 825,000 won.

In addition, acquaintances said that they use the Welfare Plus linked to the Yellow Umbrella Deduction a lot. This is in connection with the Yellow Umbrella Mutual Aid Project ▲ ▲ Hope for a comeback ▲ Health checkup ▲ Free group accident insurance ▲ Welfare mall ▲ Recreation facilities ▲ Management consulting ▲ Small business insurance and education can be received free of charge depending on conditions.
In other words, you can use not only income deductions but also various support projects that practically help stabilize your business. Among them, an acquaintance was interested in the 2022 yellow umbrella capacity building course. This is because education such as online promotion marketing, on-tact business, and practical business start-up know-how can be received free of charge without any burden on the individual.

Accommodation and education expenses are supported if the applicant is a representative of a small business that has subscribed to the Yellow Umbrella Mutual Aid and is selected on a first-come, first-served basis. These days, due to Corona 19, non-face-to-face sales businesses such as meal kits and shopping mall businesses are in the limelight, and acquaintances are also making and manufacturing handmade pottery and coffee, and are about to sell online.
That’s why they are very interested in the on-tact business lecture, one of the free education programs offered by the Yellow Umbrella Mutual Aid. Small business owners in other fields who are preparing for non-face-to-face sales and meal kit business, like acquaintances, can receive support for free in most cases if they have signed up for Yellow Umbrella Mutual Aid.
Resorts are also available at a lower cost than usual. As a result of checking, discounts are also available at resorts located on Jeju Island, so it would not be a bad idea to check and prepare for your trip in advance.

In this way, if you sign up for the yellow umbrella deduction, you can apply for income deduction and insurance, and you can get a lot of help in various leisure activities. So, if you are a representative of a small business who simply thinks of income deduction or thinks you have a savings account, I hope you take this opportunity to utilize various welfare services linked to the yellow umbrella deduction system.
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노란우산공제 가입방법
