의사가 먹지않는 음식 9 Foods Doctors Never Eat!!

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This is Ruby Woman ☆

Thankfully, I haven’t had any health problems since I was a child.
Having experienced childbirth after the age of 40
Significantly less stamina
I became interested in health.

After the age of 40, I also eat a lot of nutritional supplements.
It’s good to find something good for your body, like a nutritional supplement, but
Not eating unhealthy things
It seems to be more important!!

Recently, in the American media Little Thing
9 foods doctors will never eat
I’ll find out soon ^^

1. Processed meat

Processed meat has long been known to be carcinogenic.
It has been classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the WHO.
Group 1 carcinogens defined by WHO include tobacco and asbestos.
With color additives and a large amount of sodium
It is said to have adverse effects on high blood pressure and various cancers.
Processed meats such as sausage, ham, and bacon
It’s hard for me to quit completely.
It is recommended to boil it in boiling water and eat it.
In particular, it is said that there is a strong association with the development of colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer.

2. Soda

Carbonated drinks contain fructose, which is not good for the body.
Fructose is absorbed faster than sugar and raises blood sugar levels, causing high blood pressure.
Phosphate contained in carbonic acid interferes with calcium absorption and causes osteoporosis.
Phosphoric acid is said to speed up the aging of the body as a whole.
It seems to be a food that must be avoided even for healthy skin care.
In fact, it is said that the sale of carbonated beverages to elementary school students is banned in the United States.

3. Canned food

Canned food, which is a simple food, is also a favorite food of busy modern people.
Epoxy resin is used inside the can to prevent rust.
It is said that endocrine disruptors occur.
To reduce contact with air as much as possible, transfer to another bowl as soon as you open it.
It is recommended to eat.

4. Ice Cream

Ice cream is said to be the worst food ever given to humans.
Because you can’t taste the sweetness when it’s cold.
It’s said to add a ton of sugar.
It was sad news for me, an ice cream killer.
Even the president of Baskin Robbins said it was a food he could not feed his children.

5. White Chocolate

White chocolate has no cocoa content and is just a lump of sugar.
If you really want chocolate, we recommend dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

6. Microwave Popcorn

Microwavable popcorn contains a huge amount of trans fat in the popcorn itself.
It is said that even popcorn bags are coated with environmental pollutants.
I’ve been eating it at home, but I’ll have to find something else for a snack.

7. Flour

Wheat flour is not well absorbed in the intestines, so it lowers the digestive function.
Excessive consumption is said to weaken the immune system.
It is said that gluten that goes into the flour processing process causes many diseases.
Bread, ramen, pizza, etc. I should eat as little as possible. can’t break. lol

8. Skim milk

There are no nutrients available in fat-free milk. for health
It is said that whole milk with appropriate nutrients is better.

9. Margarine

Trans fats produced during margarine processing are said to have adverse effects on cardiovascular disease.
It is said that the reason is because the oil content is very high, but they say that butter is better than margarine.

I found 9 of them
I have tears in my eyes as to what to eat and live on.
Because our bodies are made up of what we eat.
I hope you will refer to it as a dietary management for your precious body care.^^

Living, loving, and investing ..~♡

ruby woman
strawberry blueberry
ruby woman
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