예스24 티켓팅 연습 Wanna One concert ticketing Wanna One World Tour 3 days in a row success! (YES24 Ticketing Precautions)

예스24 티켓팅 연습It was my first time ticketing for YES24, so it was very hectic, but fortunately, ticketing was successful on all 3 days! June 1st Floor E01 Area 2N Row N Success! June 2nd Floor 1st Floor Area 102 Area N Number Success! June 3rd Floor 3rd Area 318 Area N Number Success! . How about getting a floor seat ㅠㅠ Today, I lack YES24 experience, so rather than tips, I’d like to share references and points to note.

** Please refer to this link for YES24 ticketing tips! **This is such a river.

Goo Goo Fun

** And we also practiced YES24 ticketing on this site! **If you are new to regular ticketing, you must! please! Try it, it helped me a lot http://www.googoofun.com/web/practice/yesMain.do

Goo Goo Fun

The YES24 ticket was really really serverless. I pressed refresh on time based on Naver’s clock, and the reservation button came out right away, so I thought it was successful, but a reservation pop-up window pops up…a ​​strange phenomenon where the continue reservation button appears; press the reservation button I clicked and repeated it, and after 2 minutes it went to the selection of the viewing date TT And in the chrome window, the floor seat was successful without Lee Seon-jwa! It went smoothly without any blockage.++ Precautions when ticketing YES24! ++1. YES24 says that you can’t be relieved until payment completion appears. There are so many bounces during the checkout process that bounced seats appear every 3 minutes! Of course, it disappears in an instant, but take advantage of that opportunity3. And the ambush “automatic order prevention” that appeared in the last stage that occurred during the recent update of Yesa

…..What? What does it say…? Do you want to press the ‘refresh’ button next to it? I will give you

(Left) Projection side of floor E01, (Right) Projection side of 1st floor

예스24 티켓팅 연습
