후라이팬 버리는 법 How to properly separate pots and pans

Take a look at the pots and pans in the kitchen right now. Is the coating peeling off and there are burn marks here and there? If so, now is the time to replace it. Throwing it away is just as important as replacing it with a new one. 후라이팬 버리는 법

후라이팬 버리는 법

Before looking at how to separate pots and pans, let’s first find out how often you need to replace them.


When should I change the pot? 1분전
Pots are made of different materials for each product. Among them, products with aluminum coating have a shelf life of about 3 years. If you are a person who uses it frequently, the replacement cycle should be faster than this. If the coating peels off, it must be replaced immediately regardless of the recommended expiration date.


Products made of stainless steel can be used for a little longer because there is no risk of rust and peeling. If there are no major problems, it can be used for more than 5 years.

If you cook a lot and are concerned about your health due to peeling coating, it is better to use stainless steel products.


Fry pan replacement
Frying pans are quicker to replace pots as well. It makes sense if you think about its main use. Coated pots are usually used for 3 years, but frying pans need to be replaced every 1-2 years. Frying pans, which are mainly used for grilling and stir-frying, generate higher heat and friction than pots, so the replacement cycle must be fast. As with pots, if the coating peels off, replace it immediately regardless of the replacement period.


If you use a frying pan often, we recommend using a stainless steel frying pan rather than a coated frying pan. Since the coating does not peel off and has a relatively longer service life, you can cook much safer and more hygienic.


Separate collection of pots
The material of the pot is different. Most of them are scrap metal. Pots made of stainless steel, even the handle, can be collected separately as scrap metal. Coated aluminum pots are also considered scrap metal.


However, there are many products with plastic lids and handles. Be sure to disassemble and dispose of them separately. If the lid is made of glass or ceramic, it is difficult to separate and dispose of scrap metal, so it must be disposed of separately from general garbage.




Separate collection of frying pans
Frying pans are basically the same as pots. However, since the material of the handle is different than that of the pot, you only need to pay attention to this part.


Handles made of plastic can be removed and disposed of as plastic items. The second most used material is wood. Wooden handles cannot be collected separately, so please dispose of them separately as general garbage.

If the handle itself is difficult to separate and discharge, you should just dispose of it as general trash. The lid is the same as the pot. If the lid is made of scrap metal, remove only the top part, and if it is made of glass or other materials, dispose of it as general garbage.



Separate collection of pots and frying pans is not often done, so many people are not familiar with it. Most of them can be separated and collected as scrap metal. It’s not that difficult if you just pay attention to the handle and lid. If I emphasize once again, the replacement period is as important as the separate collection, so remember it.