한진택배 배송조회 안됨 Real-time Hanjin Express delivery inquiry official website

Korea tends to use courier services a lot, and recently, due to the corona, non-face-to-face services such as courier and delivery are used a lot. Hanjin Courier, which is at the top of the courier industry, is also widely used.


Hanjin Express Delivery Tracking Method 한진택배 배송조회 안됨

1) Access the Hanjin Express homepage. Hanjin Express official website https://www.hanjin.com/kor/Main.do


한진택배 배송조회 안됨


2) Access Reservation/Inquiry – Delivery inquiry at the top of the homepage first screen.  비지니스헬퍼




3) Enter the waybill number in the input field and click the magnifying glass button on the right or press Enter.




4) In the basic information, product name, sender, receiver, freight, delivery status, and real-time location are displayed.




Things to know


Delivery times may be delayed for some areas or island/mountainous areas.

Military units can be delivered to the guardhouse (entrance door) when the unit name is entered in detail due to general access control, but mailboxes cannot be delivered.

Claims due to delayed delivery are difficult to compensate due to the nature of military units