노인인권 사이버교육 바로가기 Go to Cyber Education on Elderly Human Rights

How to apply for cyber education on the human rights of the elderly
adioss 2022. 4. 1. 19:53

Non-face-to-face social life continues, and ways to take classes online are being shared. Let’s find out how to apply for cyber education on the human rights of the elderly. It is compulsory education and is a compulsory subject. You can do it online and print out your certificate.

노인인권 사이버교육

cyber education

The Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Institute is a place where you can receive various online education. It’s interesting that education is going on cyber. In the past, I received group education, but this simple education saves busy time. It seems like a really good way to be educated while working.

노인인권 사이버교육
The human rights of the elderly are received through cyber education, but it is compulsory education, so it is mandatory. You must receive training every year and renew it, but if you are eligible, you must complete the course. Previously, it was 4 courses, but from 2022, it was changed to a single course and operated, so it is not complicated as a position to receive education.

Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education
Subjects of human rights education
Establishment and operation of senior welfare facilities and long-term care institutions, subject to all employees

Elderly human rights story written together


You must register as a member to take classes. Both the person who runs the facility and the workers need to listen, so sign up as an individual member. Civil servants and civil servants can also become members.

KakaoTalk login, which allows you to sign up easily, is also good for taking classes. The purpose of remembering the ID used only when listening to cyber education is reduced because of the simple login using the recent SNS ID rather than the existing membership registration. The video may not be played by each web browser, so you need to install Chrome to prepare for learning.

You can complete the cyber education by applying for the curriculum, selecting the story of the human rights of the elderly, and taking the class from the first session. There is an error on mobile, so take the course on your computer and listen. After completing the final study, you can print out the certificate of completion to finish the training.