귀리 효능 Oat Efficacy and Side Effects

귀리 효능

귀리 효능
귀리 효능

Recently, I saw entertainer Han Ye-seul on YouTube telling me how to diet and how to eat oats. I poured oats and fruit and various nuts into a bowl, poured milk or yogurt, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and ate it the next day.



The next day, it seems that it is very good for diet and busy morning health food that it is well aged and tastes well and digestion is good. Although it was lazy for a week and it was picked up separately for fruit separately for fruit. I want to try again and succeed in the diet. “So let’s look at oat efficacy and oat side effects from now on.


strengthening of immunity
Beta Glucan, which is abundant in oats, strengthens the human immune system to prevent attacks from external viruses and enhances immune cells’ activity. In addition, oats rich in iron, dietary fiber, and protein are effective in preventing asthma by making the bronchus strong.


diabetes improvement
Beta-glucan in oats activates insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics, helping to stabilize blood sugar by lowering glucose levels in the blood. In addition, the beta-glucan component, which has excellent blood sugar control ability, has the effect of preventing the rapid increase of blood sugar by maximally delaying the digestion and absorption time in the body when ingesting sugar.


constipation improvement
Oats contain more than three times the amount of dietary fiber compared to brown rice. When ingested, it expands twice as much as its original size, so it activates the intestinal motility and is good for preventing constipation. The water-soluble fiber of oats absorbs waste materials and toxins in the intestines. .


cutaneous cost
Minerals such as manganese, copper, zinc, and magnesium in oats have antioxidant activity in the body and vitamin B group that promotes regeneration of damaged cells inhibits skin elasticity and aging due to oxidative stress. Oats are also used as raw materials for cosmetics, which has the effect of reducing the swelling of the face and reducing pores.


fatty liver improvement
The state of accumulation of fat in the liver due to poor fat decomposition is called fatty liver, and the lecithin component of oats removes fat and detoxifies toxins accumulated in the liver. In addition, the beta-glucan component of oats inhibits the production of lactic acid in the liver, thereby reducing liver fatigue.


The dietary fiber of oats helps to keep the feeling of satiety for a long time, helps diet, is rich in protein, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. Vitamin B promotes fat burning, and oat fiber is 22 times more effective than white rice.


female health
Vitamin B rich in oats is an essential vitamin in the body. Especially, folic acid, which is vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin that synthesizes DNA and amino acids and produces red blood cells. It is an important ingredient for women planning pregnancy as a necessary component for fetal nervous system development. It also prevents anemia, cervical cancer, and breast cancer, and helps to activate hormones and alleviate depression.


male health
Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and zinc in oats revitalize the vital energy of the male body, and L-arginine, an essential amino acid component, activates the secretion of male hormones and is effective in enhancing vigor.

prevention of cardiovascular disease
Beta-glucan, a major component of oats, increases the level of good cholesterol to prevent blood clots from forming in the blood vessels, and linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, releases waste accumulated in the blood vessels. Effect has in the prevention of cardiovascular disease including the hypertension, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, stroke, hyperlipidemia etc by cleanly purifying the blood and blood vessel.

The beta-glucan component of oats maximizes the immune function of normal cells in our body, preventing the proliferation and recurrence of cancer cells, increasing the activity of macrophages, entering the area where cancer cells are located, and promoting the secretion of cytokines, thereby enhancing the immune function of immune cells such as T cells and B cells.


oat side effect
Too much oats are said to have oat side effects such as abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and indigestion.In addition, oat protein contains gluten, so people who are allergic to it should be careful, and because it contains purine, gout patients should consult a specialist before taking it. So far, we have learned about oat efficacy and oat side effects.