24시 약국 찾기 Find a 24-hour pharmacy

Today we will learn about Holiday Keeper Pharmacy. These days, pharmacies may be closed on weekends. So, if you have to visit a pharmacy on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday, or at night, you may be embarrassed. In such a case, you can easily find out by using the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy.

24시 약국

24시 약국

There are many pharmacies around my house, but it is difficult to find which one is the holiday pharmacy. Also, depending on the region, some locations may be located far away, so you may waste a lot of time looking for them. In this case, you will be able to solve it without difficulty if you follow the method provided.

Find a holiday keeper pharmacy

Search for a holiday keeper pharmacy on the portal site or search to find a pharmacy open on Sunday.

Guide to the website and access

To search for pharmacies operating on the same day, select date, time, region, and search.

Check pharmacy name, operating hours, contact information, and location.

Be sure to contact us before visiting to check if it is open.

Holiday Guardian Pharmacy is operated by the Korean Pharmaceutical Association and provides search site inquiries 24/7. You can also search for pharmacies that are open on Sundays, 24/7 pharmacies, and late-night pharmacies. If you are having trouble finding the site, you will be able to access it easily by using the link provided in this article.

If you are looking for a pharmacy that is open on Sundays or a holiday pharmacy, you will be able to find the closest pharmacy near your home by using the method above and accessing the website. It is useful in emergency situations, so it would be helpful to know.

Map search

To find a Holiday Guardian pharmacy by region, click the ‘Map’ button on the homepage. You can search the map right away by clicking the link below.

Click the ‘Map Search’ menu at the top of the homepage

When you move the mouse cursor to the area of the pharmacy you wish to search, the area will change to blue.

When you select the desired region, select the sub-city, county, and district units again.

All pharmacies in the area, not just the one currently in operation, will be searched, so you must check the operating hours.

All Holiday Guardian pharmacies can be found on the Internet, and you can find their location and contact information.

Mobile application providing emergency medical information

Holiday Keeper Pharmacy does not yet provide a mobile app. If you want to use it on your mobile phone, install the application called ‘Emergency Medical Information Service’ operated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

👇 Go to emergency medical information provision app (Android)

👇Go to emergency medical information provision app (iPhone)

The mobile app provides detailed information on emergency rooms, hospitals, and pharmacies, as well as first aid methods. You can also use the app to find the location where the automatic external defibrillator is installed, so it can be said to be a useful app in a truly emergency situation. It would be a good idea to install it right now to prepare for an emergency.

Life Safety Information Weekend Pharmacy

There is a way to search for weekend pharmacies in addition to the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website. This is possible through the Life Safety Information website operated by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety. Click the link below to check it out now.

Access the life safety information website

Click ‘Life Safety Map’

Click on the ‘Health’ menu

Click ‘Pharmacy’

You can view pharmacies in your area at a glance.

Among these, weekend pharmacies are marked in orange for easy visibility.


Today, we learned about Holiday Keeper Pharmacy. I hope you find it useful if you ever need to visit a pharmacy on a weekend or public holiday.

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