2024년 긴급복지 생계지원금 Emergency welfare livelihood support fund to increase by 13.6% in 2024… 4-person household price rises by 213,000 won | The Indigo

2024년 긴급복지 생계지원금Starting from January next year (2024), emergency welfare livelihood support funds will increase by 13.16%.
On the 5th, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced an administrative notice amendment bill to increase the amount of emergency welfare support and improve financial asset standards in 2024. This administrative notice expires on December 18th and will take effect on January 1, 2024.
Emergency welfare support is a system that quickly and temporarily provides livelihood, housing, and medical care to low-income people who have difficulty maintaining their livelihood due to crisis situations such as loss of income due to unemployment. However, in order to receive emergency welfare support in certain situations, there are limitations to having to meet income and asset standards.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that along with the increase in livelihood support, it has unified the dual system of financial assets into guidelines and notices among the target selection criteria and reflected the increase in median income as of next year. Accordingly, next year’s financial asset standard will be 8,228,000 won for a one-person household, 9,682,000 won for a two-person household, 10,714,000 won for a three-person household, and 11,729,000 won for a four-person household. In addition, the fuel cost support during the winter for households receiving emergency welfare livelihood and housing support has been increased from 110,000 won per month to 150,000 won per month since February, and it is planned to continue to be applied next year.
Citizens in crisis situations who need emergency welfare support can apply at their local city, county, district or health and welfare counseling center (☏129). You can also report if you discover someone eligible for emergency support.
Jeong Yun-soon, Director of Social Welfare Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, “We hope that this improvement in support standards, including an increase in the amount of emergency welfare support and livelihood support, will help low-income families in crisis situations,” and added, “We will continue to strengthen emergency welfare support so that we can actively protect crisis households.” “We will continue to strive for this,” he said.
Meanwhile, organizations or individuals who have opinions on this amendment can submit their opinions to the Basic Livelihood Security Department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare by the 18th.
[The Indigo yslee506@naver.com]



2024년 긴급복지 생계지원금
