2023년 연봉 실수령액 및 월급 실수령 계산기 2023 Real Salary Earnings and Real Salary Earnings Calculator

How much is the actual salary, the actual salary, and the minimum wage in 2023?


2023년 연봉 실수령액
The actual amount of salary is deposited after deducting the 4 major insurances and income tax. I need to know my real income so I can accurately plan my savings, investments, and spending, so I check it at the beginning of each year. Let’s find out the actual annual salary and minimum wage in 2023.


2023년 연봉 실수령액

Calculation of real salary income

The actual amount of annual salary is deposited after deducting the 4 major insurances and income tax from the annual salary.

Actual salary income = Annual salary – 4 insurances (national pension, health insurance, long-term care, employment insurance) – income tax

What is the 2023 salary real salary table, real salary, and minimum wage? – undefined – Calculation of actual annual salary
2023 annual salary real income table



4 major insurance rates in 2023

Below are the four major premium rates that are deducted from my actual salary.

National pension 4.5%
Health Insurance 3.545%
Long-term care insurance 12.81%
Employment Insurance 0.9%


2023 annual salary real income table

The 2023 annual salary real income table may differ depending on individual circumstances, such as the calculation method of the company in which you are employed, the number of minor children, tax-free wages and additional allowances, so please see it only for reference. If you want to check your actual salary according to your situation, try using our annual salary compensation calculator.



Annual salary 22 million won – 54 million won Actual salary table

What is the 2023 salary real salary table, real salary, and minimum wage? – undefined – 2023 annual salary actual income table – Annual salary 22 million won – 54 million won actual income table
source person

Actual salary of 55 million won or more per year

What is the 2023 salary real salary table, real salary, and minimum wage? – undefined – 2023 annual salary real income table – annual salary of 55 million won or more
source person


The average annual salary before tax in 2022 was 4,024 million won. The minimum wage will rise in 2023, so the average annual salary will increase slightly, but if the pre-tax annual salary is 40 million won, the actual salary is about 2.88 million won.




Minimum wage in 2023

The minimum hourly wage has been raised from 9,160 won in 2022 to 9,620 won by 460 won. It is calculated that the real income after tax is about 1.81 million won.


Minimum wage summary in 2023 (40 hours per week/including weekly holiday pay)

Minimum hourly wage 9,620 won
384,400 won per week
Monthly salary 2,010,590 won
Annual salary KRW 24,126,960


2023 Projected Monthly Real Earnings Calculator

Find out the exact amount of real income that is right for you with Saramin or Job Korea real income calculator. Below is the monthly salary calculated based on the minimum wage.