현대해상 보험료 카드납부 (Information) Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance premium card payment application – Call center application available from August 2017

현대해상 보험료 카드납부I wanted to pay with a Hyundai Insurance premium card, but when I asked when I signed up, it was possible to pay only by hand by the planner, but they said that I had to leave all of them, including my resident registration number, so they said they didn’t recommend it, so I was doing it by account transfer. (He said he would keep a copy of his ID when he signed up anyway)
I found out that in order to pay by card, I have to visit Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance in person to apply, but there are only a few branches…
I had something to do near Gwanghwamun, so I made up my mind and went to the Gwanghwamun branch to apply, but they said that it was possible to apply for credit card payment through the call center from August!

Since the contract holder and the card holder are the same, I only submitted my ID and payment card.
To pay by card, register the card to be used, register 12 of the 16 digits of the card number in the system, and inform the planner of the last 4 digits and expiration date, and the payment will be made.
It is said that you can cancel the automatic transfer to the existing account and the money can be withdrawn from there, so I try to connect it to an account that I do not use (no money) and transfer it when I am in a hurry.

When I asked the planner to make an automatic payment from next time, he recorded my consent, saved it in Excel with my resident registration number, and asked me to make a monthly manual payment or text message or phone call every month. (After going through this far, I feel like I’m really using dragons to not do it haha)
If the money doesn’t come out of the account anyway, you will receive an unpaid text message. I plan to pay by card for the first time next month.

*I checked, but it is said that card registration is also possible on the homepage. Internet window>Payment/Refund/Cancellation>Credit card registration/change/delete (Attach the screenshot below)

You mentioned in the comments that the menu location has changed, but now I can’t take screenshots! You can go in below.
www.hi.co.kr Internet window>Long-term insurance contract management>Credit card registration/change/delete

Anyway, conclusion!!

1. Hyundai Marine & Fire insurance premiums can be paid by credit card
2-1. You can register card information for payment at the call center (Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Call Center: 1588-5656)
2-2. Also available on the website/mobile app (Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance website: www.hi.co.kr, Internet window>Payment/Refund/Cancellation>Credit card registration/change/delete)
3. Payment must be requested from the planner every month by text/phone
4. You can also apply for card change through the call center/website.
5. Ugh… it’s disgusting. really

*Note: Pay your insurance premium card, fill in your credit card performance, and kill two birds with one stone!

Added on 2017-12-31
I’ve been using it for 2 months, but it’s uncomfortable. I feel like the designer doesn’t care.
And there is no automatic transfer discount (0.5%). (In my case, it is 53,750 won for bank transfer, but 54,020 won (+270 won) for credit card payment, 51,140 won (cash)/51,400 won (card, + 260 won))

Added on 2018-03-10
It was added because it is possible to register card information on the homepage.

현대해상 보험료 카드납부
