핸드폰 번호 변경 How to change your cell phone number (feat. kt m mobile)

핸드폰 번호 변경If you want to change your cell phone number on KT M Mobile, please do the following. Please check all precautions before proceeding.
Changing the number means selecting only the last four digits, and the middle digits are assigned a random number.
You can search your number only 50 times a day, and there are limited times (weekdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.) when you can change your number.
Please check the images and description below for more details.

※ Number changes are available from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM on weekdays. (Cannot be changed on weekends and public holidays)

1. No specific number
Specific numbers such as 0000, 1234, 7777 (preferred numbers) and ‘1200, 4299, 0016, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169 (7 special numbers) cannot be selected. (Even if some are viewed, selection is not possible)
2. Changes possible twice within 3 months
You can change your mobile phone number only twice within 3 months (based on date). However, you cannot return to your existing number.
3. Edit member information
After changing your number, you must register the changed mobile phone number in [Edit Membership Information] to use ktmmobile.com normally.
4. Cancel number change
It is not possible to cancel the number change.
5. Number change business hours
Customers with a history of mobile phone number portability and conversion (customers who used 2G in the past changed to 3G) can use the number inquiry and number change at the times below. *Monday to Friday 10:00 to 20:00 (Saturday/Sunday) /Not available on public holidays)

◎ We would like to inform you.
Precautions when changing number
Customers who cannot change their mobile phone number
Things to check after changing number

Today : 229
Yesterday: 1,681
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
© Kakao Corp.

핸드폰 번호 변경
