한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법 How to apply for KEPCO Energy Cashback, subject to apply, payment standard, customer number

한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법We have summarized how to get discounts on electricity bills and how to get energy cashback. KEPCO is accepting applications for residential energy cashback. We have launched an energy cashback program that reduces your bill the more you use less electricity at home. If you want to save money on electricity, please apply.

Please refer to the cashback benefits, application targets, application methods, cashback payment criteria, ways to save electricity, and other checks.

① Among residential customers, users who are confirmed to live in the application address
(In case the resident registration address and the place of residence are the same as members on the resident registration table)
② If there is an amount of power used for at least one year among the amount of power used in the last two years
① In the case of not submitting the information on the amount of power used by each household in the high-voltage apartment
② In case there is no data on the amount of power used for the same month in the last year due to new electricity use, etc.
③ Excluding customers who have already participated in the ‘energy saving program’ implemented by KEPCO

① When the minimum reduction rate of 3% and the average reduction rate of participants in the same region is achieved → Basic cashback payment
② Differential cashback payment according to the electricity saving rate
30 won per 1 kWh of electricity savings
Differential cashback is provided in addition to the basic cashback. Depending on the electricity saving rate (%), 30 to 70 won per 1 kWh is paid differentially.

– The reduction rate is limited to 30%, and the reason for setting the limit is to exclude cases where energy savings are extremely high due to long-term business trips and travels.
– Even if energy savings are achieved by exceeding the savings rate, basic/differential cashback equivalent to 30% of the savings rate is applied.

It is a method of deducting from the next month’s electricity bill on a monthly basis for calculating cashback.

① If the address is changed during cashback calculation
② If you do not live in the address where electricity is used

① Online application (linked to the link below)
Apply for KEPCO Energy Cash Back
Energy Cashback Login

② Membership registration required
③ Choose between individual households and multi-unit housing management entities
Sign up for Energy Cashback

④ Confirm your identity
Energy Cash Back Identity Verification

⑤ Resident registration address and cashback agreement
: Check resident registration address and agree to terms and conditions (can be excluded)

– How to check customer number
: You can find out your customer number by checking your resident registration address. In the case of multi-unit housing such as an apartment, you can also check your customer number by contacting the management office.
How to check your Energy Cashback account number

⑥ Confirm cashback completion
: Can be confirmed through the application site and mobile phone text message

How to Check Energy Cashback Completion

Assuming that the living environment and living environment are the same for the same electricity use place, the amount of power used is similar, and the electricity consumption of the previous resident is calculated. The reason is that it is difficult to connect and check the past power consumption information of the residence before moving in, so it is easy to compare and apply.

Energy Cash Back is not applied for the month of moving. In other words, when the address is changed, the corresponding month is excluded from payment. After moving, apply for energy cashback again and it will be applied again from the month corresponding to the application date.

If the amount of electricity savings is greater than the electricity bill, the remaining cashback is deducted from the next month’s electricity bill.

Call the customer center and ask the person in charge. Customer center phone number: 123 without area code

Even if there is no electricity saving, there is no penalty at all

– Suitable temperature for refrigeration in summer: 26 ~ 28 degrees
– When the cooling temperature is adjusted by 1 degree, energy can be saved by 7%
– Possible to prevent respiratory diseases with proper temperature

– During cooling, if you leave the door open, the amount of electricity increases by 4.4 times! Close the door, let’s ventilate occasionally

– Turn off the TV, but turn off the set-top box as well. The set-top box ranks first in standby power consumption among home appliances!!

– Sleeping and not using your smartphone? Turn off wifi!

– It is not used, so no electricity is required. Let’s leave the electrical cord out.

Please apply for cashback and save electricity and electricity bills. Hope this helps. thank you
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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한전 에너지캐시백 신청방법
