하이패스 단말기 구입처 Where to buy Hi-Pass terminal / How to get support | Mamisoft

하이패스 단말기 구입처Mamisoft

We will share where to purchase Hi-Pass terminal and how to receive support. When using the toll gate on the highway, it is convenient to use the Hi-Pass. Hi-Pass refers to a system that automatically pays tolls after installing a terminal with a Hi-Pass card in a vehicle.
The Korea Expressway Corporation also offers a toll discount service for cars, compact cars, and electric/hydrogen cars running late at night.

Hi-Pass terminals can usually be purchased offline or online.
If you search for “Hi-Pass terminal”, you can purchase the terminal at the online shopping mall. You can purchase a Hi-Pass and use it after registering a device on the Hi-Pass website.
The place where you can purchase the Hi-Pass terminal offline is the special sales place next to the toll gate. Alternatively, you can purchase it at GS25 convenience stores, or if there is a manufacturer you want, you can visit the manufacturer’s dealership and purchase it.
Korea Expressway Corporation supports subsidies only for a few models of terminals. You can buy it at a lower price by accepting your conditions and benefits.
summary of benefits

Korea Expressway Corporation provides a practical terminal that allows customers to purchase Hi-Pass at a lower price by paying subsidies for each terminal to the manufacturer. Each car can be purchased with a discount of 10,000 to 60,000 won. Usually, the price drops from 50,000 won to 100,000 won to 250,000 won to 350,000 won, and it is possible to purchase safely by providing a free warranty for 1 year.
You can purchase terminals from A-Point, Eternity, Itronix, SD System, Mpeon, and Human Care at a discounted price with support funds. 4.5 ton trucks, private taxis, disabled people, national merit, etc. can be supported.

In the case of a high-pass terminal purchase place, you can purchase a discount terminal by contacting the terminal manufacturer’s homepage or phone. You can purchase electric/hydrogen vehicles, emergency automatic braking devices, and trucks (4.5 tons) at online shopping malls or highway special sales outlets.
Metropolitan area (business office)
High Pass Center
Rest area
Gangwon-do (Sales Office)
Rest area
Chungbuk (Sales Office)
Rest area
When the Hi-Pass terminal device arrives, you can register the device on the Expressway Toll website. Prepare a cable suitable for your device and register the terminal. One thing to note is that you should prepare a cable that can transmit data a little longer than a cable that can only charge, such as a secondary battery.
Information on where to purchase the Hi-Pass terminal is here. I hope that more people will benefit and receive help.

하이패스 단말기 구입처
