하나은행 통장사본 출력 및 발급 Printing and issuing Hana Bank bankbook copy

When you start a new job, you are asked to submit a copy of your bankbook to the place where you are supposed to receive your salary. In the past, people used to copy the front of a paper bankbook and submit it on paper, but these days, not only have paper bankbooks disappeared, but the number of copies made on paper has also decreased. Of course, there are cases where you still need to submit a paper copy, such as for a loan, but the world has become more convenient now that you can capture it with your phone and send it via KakaoTalk. So I looked into it. How to print a copy of the Hana Bank bankbook I do business with (capture).

하나은행 통장사본

하나은행 통장사본

1. First, access the Hana Bank mobile app and log in. This is the first screen that appears after logging in. The app has changed recently, and the screen below shows the most recent appearance. Click on the part with the account name and balance.

2. When the following transaction history inquiry screen appears, (1) press the three dots > 5 menus will appear, starting with account management. (2) Select <Account Management> at the top.

3. Select <Account Information> on the account management screen.

4. Details of <Account Information> will appear as shown below. If you select <Bankbook Copy> at the bottom, an image of the bankbook copy will be displayed.

5. If the front of the bankbook with the account holder’s name, account number, account opening date, opening branch, etc. is displayed as shown below, take a screenshot and send it to your workplace or wherever a copy is requested. It’s really simple and neat.

<Transfer confirmation>

1. This method is used when you want to send money to someone and confirm it. After logging in, click on the balance displayed.

2. In the transaction history inquiry, click the three lines in the upper right corner.

3. When the screen below appears, select <Transfer Details Inquiry>

4. In the transfer history inquiry, transfer details are displayed starting from the most recent. Select the right arrow on the desired transfer details.


5. The transfer details page will appear as shown in the image below. You can capture it and send it, or you can send it to SNS as there is a link below to send it via KakaoTalk or text message. However, if you send it via KakaoTalk, etc., please be careful as it will be sent in the form of a message rather than the image below.

So far, we have learned about how to print (capture) a copy of Hana Bank bankbook. I hope you find this helpful.