트레이더스 회원제 If you don’t know why you should sign up for Traders membership, benefits and methods

트레이더스 회원제E-Mart-Traders

Traders membership system is introduced. Like Costco, we are recruiting membership members. Unlike Costco, you can shop even if you are not a membership member. When you become a member, you can accumulate 2% of the purchase amount as points. This is a benefit for those who use Traders a lot. We learned about the membership system and how to sign up.

If you sign up for the Traders membership system, you can add one family member for free. So, you can accumulate points up to 1 million won per year, including the standard limit of 500,000 won for an individual and 500,000 won for family members. In addition, Traders’ own product, T STANDARD, can receive an additional 2% points. Those with beads are rated for corporations.

There is a difference in the accumulation rate and limit. Let’s calculate which level is best to subscribe to based on annual usage amount. You can collect an annual fee of 3 million won per year for Standard and 3.5 million won for Premium. So, if you spend more than 3.5 million won per year, premium is better. If your spending is less than 3.5 million won, it would be a good idea to sign up for the standard level.

Let’s convert it to monthly basis. If you spend more than 250,000 won per month, it is beneficial to sign up for the Traders membership system. If you spend more than 300,000 won per month, we recommend signing up for a premium membership.

Traders can sign up through the E-Mart app. Shinsegae Point membership registration is also required. Business members must visit in person with business registration.

If you become a member, you can also receive one additional family card. This card is provided free of charge to adults living in the same residence. You can get one by visiting the store with your family relationship certificate.

Costco has an affiliate card that can offset the cost of an annual membership. I think E-Mart Traders will release a similar product soon. It is likely that it will come from Samsung Card.

Except for Costco, there are no successful cases of other retailers introducing a membership system. I think the Traders membership system will achieve the desired results as the benefits are powerful. It will be interesting to see if Traders creates a new case.

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