통합연금포털 “Check pension information on the integrated pension portal”

통합연금포털Available via smartphone

The Integrated Pension Portal website (100lifeplan.fss.or.kr) can now be used on smartphones or tablet PCs. The integrated pension portal is an integrated inquiry system that allows you to check the expected receipt amount of public pensions such as the national pension as well as private pensions sold by banks and securities companies. The Financial Supervisory Service announced on the 12th that it has improved the Integrated Pension Portal website so that it can be used in mobile environments such as smartphones and tablet PCs. If you go to the Integrated Pension Portal homepage and click ‘Check My Pension’, the expected receipt amount of the public pension, retirement pension, and personal pension you have subscribed to will be calculated as the present value. Based on the information on pension product subscription, you can also know the average annual rate of return and commission rate in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 year increments. In addition, the amount received each year from the start of the pension until age 90 can be viewed through graphs, etc. Family pension information can also be viewed, making it useful for couples preparing for retirement. You can also receive financial planning by using the ‘Retirement Financial Planning’ menu. By calculating the funds needed for retirement at the present time, the excess or deficiency of the expected pension amount can be calculated. To use the integrated pension portal site, you must log in using your mobile phone identity verification, joint certificate (existing public certificate), ID, etc. New members can check their pension information 3 business days after signing up. Starting in February, 12 types of pension information, including yields and commission rates by financial company and pension statistics, will be provided on mobile devices so that you can compare which products are advantageous through ‘Pension Product Comparison Disclosure’. Reporter Jeong Dan-bi welcomerain@nongmin.com
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