코스트코 영업시간 Costco opening hours

Inform you about Costco business hours.


What do you look for before visiting the mart?

Usually, you will find information about closed days or sales. However, in the case of Costco, it is good to know the business hours. 코스트코 영업시간


코스트코 영업시간


Because those of you who have been to some popular Costco stores will understand. If you get the timing wrong, you’ve probably seen long queues of cars waiting to enter the parking lot. I also waited an hour before entering the parking lot where I went to visit the Yangjae store. 좋은뉴스




As a result, many people check Costco’s business hours before visiting as it is an opportunity to shop comfortably rather than going during open or closing hours rather than crowded times.



Summary of Costco business hours by branch
Costco business hours are summarized by branch.

Most stores open at 10 am and close at 10 pm like the Busan branch. However, some stores have different opening and closing times, so it’s a good idea to check before visiting.



Branch name Business hours
Daejeon Branch 10:00~22:00
Daegu Branch 09:00~22:00
Sejong Branch 10:00~22:00
Daegu Innovation City Branch 9:30~22:00
Cheonan Branch 10:00~22:00
Busan Branch 10:00~22:00
Ulsan Branch 10:00~22:00
Gongse shop 10:00~21:30
Yangjae Branch 08:00~22:00
Gwangmyeong Branch 08:00~21:00
Hanam Branch 10:00~22:00
Songdo Branch 09:00~22:00
Yangpyeong Branch 10:00~22:00
Reunion shop 10:00~22:00
Ilsan Branch 10:00~22:00
Uijeongbu Branch 10:00~22:00

Gwangmyeong and Yangjae stores open at 8 am. It’s a store that many people visit, so it seems that the opening hours are early. However, the opening hours are different for the two places. The Gwangmyeong branch closes at 9:00 pm, an hour earlier, and the Yangjae branch closes at 10:00 pm.



As you can see from the location of the Gwangmyeong branch, it is not a place with a floating population until late at night. On the other hand, the Yangjae branch is located in Seoul, so it is easily accessible and attracts many visitors.



What if it is difficult to visit during Costco business hours?
If it is difficult to visit Costco because the location is far away or there is not enough time, but if there is something you want to buy at Costco, we recommend using the Costco online mall.




The Costco Online Mall allows you to easily purchase items sold at Costco. However, it is difficult to deliver the next day or the same day, not the method of selecting the pick-up date and time like delivery at other marts.



If you order from the Costco online mall, it will be delivered through a courier, so it takes a little time to receive it.




However, if it is not urgent, I think it would be a wise purchase to purchase the necessary items at a low price from the Costco online mall.






Today, I learned about Costco’s business hours. Before visiting the mart, if you know the business hours of Costco along with closed days, it would help you to shop more comfortably.