카톡 차단 확인방법 Easy tips on how to check KakaoTalk blocking

카톡 차단 확인방법March 24th, a burning Friday, has already come to an end and it is time to get off work. I wonder if everyone will be able to successfully drop out of school. Today is also the day of the Korea University Colombia soccer evaluation match, so I want to see Chicken after work even more. You too. I think you might feel the same way as me.

As everyone has had a hard week, I hope you can cheer up a little more until you get off work. Going back to the main topic, I would like to tell you how to check for KakaoTalk blocking in the post prepared for Burning Friday. If you break up or become distant for some reason, you may receive these results. This is an easy tip that can be useful in such cases, so let’s find out right now.

Blocking type 1. Block only messages Messages are blocked, but profile pictures can still be viewed. 2. Message + profile blocking Since neither message blocking nor profile pictures can be viewed, only the default profile is visible.

How to check KakaoTalk blocking 1. The message profile picture is clearly visible and there is a transfer button, so it is difficult using this method. First

By using the recommended friend function, if you delete the friend you want to check and the other person appears in the recommended friend list, it is not blocking. The second method of speaking after inviting a group chat is to create a group chat room with three people – you, a friend, and the person you want to check – and then send a chat. If the person you want to check is not invited, they are blocked.

If you find it inconvenient to create a group chat room, you can confirm by making a one-to-one invitation in an empty group room, so I would like you to try using this method. 2. Just look to see if the message & profile transfer button has disappeared.

Here are some easy tips on how to check for KakaoTalk blocking. Anyone can easily check this, so I hope you follow along at least once. If you have any questions or difficulties, please leave a comment and I will let you know.

This situation can occur for any reason, such as a breakup or other reasons, so it will be useful to know about it at least once.

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카톡 차단 확인방법

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