카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking


I will explain how to check Kakaotalk blocking.

How to check KakaoTalk blocking

First, you need to delete the other person’s contact information.

The reason is that the other party’s data I have

This is because you need to delete all of them so that you can check if the other person has blocked you on KakaoTalk.

I want to check KakaoTalk blocking

카카오톡 차단 확인

After deleting the other person’s contact information

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
If you look at the KakaoTalk friends list, there are no contacts. 카카오톡 차단 확인

Only profiles will exist. 좋은뉴스

If you confirm that only the profile exists

In the KakaoTalk friends list, click your nickname to the right of your profile picture and flip it over.

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Hide and block as follows:

When it comes out, press Block.

Blocking can be canceled immediately. Please feel free to press

If you even block the other person’s KakaoTalk,

The gear shape at the top of KakaoTalk

After pressing, at the bottom

Click the Manage Friends button.

Click the Manage Friends button on the cog wheel

Friend Kakao Talk Friends menu is displayed as shown in the picture.

In Manage Blocked Friends, you can see the list of friends you have blocked.

You can manage whether to unblock or cancel the block.

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!

If such a friend menu appears, the menu

Click Manage Blocked Friends.

I went into management and blocked it.

Please press unblock friend

Click OK to unblock

As shown in the picture, a warning window appears asking if you want to add the blocked friend as a friend.

The thing to be careful about is unblocking, not adding friends.

You have to click the cancel button, not the add friend button.

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!

not just unblock

Don’t click add friend.

I have to hit the cancel button

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
If you click the Add Friend button instead of the Cancel button, you have to start over.

Please do not add friends and click the cancel button.


Everything is ready!

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Go to the friends menu as shown in the picture

Clicking Refresh Friends List

KakaoTalk friend list is refreshed

On the cog wheel as in the picture

Click the Manage Friends button

Click on Recommended Friend

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
A list of recommended friends will appear.

The other person registered me as a friend, but

When I didn’t register the other person as a friend

Your acquaintances may appear as recommended friends.

Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
Learn how to check KakaoTalk blocking!
If the other person’s list appears here, the other person does not block me

Please note that this means that you have continued to register!!

Today, I showed you how to check KakaoTalk blocking.