카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 Kakao Taxi (Kakao T) What should I do if my cell phone is lost? I found this

A lot of people must have had a hard time due to Corona, but during that period, the groom is one of the people who was quite comfortable. He is a person who doesn’t like drinking parties, so one of the reasons why he liked the fact that there were almost no dinner parties. 카카오택시 분실물 찾는법

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법
Now that Corona and Corona social distancing have been lifted, drinking parties have begun to form one by one. It is unfamiliar to see the groom having a drinking party before and after the local election holiday. The smell of alcohol coming from a groom who doesn’t like alcohol, the appearance of such a groom is unfamiliar. Gorin says that her dad looks good, later she says she wants to drink and feel that feeling too. 비지니스헬퍼


But after drinking, something happened. The groom, who had a dinner (drinking ceremony) with work-related people yesterday in Seongnam, took a Kakao taxi and came home. The groom arrived around 9:40, but as soon as he entered the house, he seemed to have left her cell phone in the Kakao Taxi. What should I do? Yolanda eh…

The groom said that he had to talk on the phone for a while in Kakao Taxi and put his cell phone in his bag, but he fell asleep drunk. She said that she remembered that she left her cell phone on the chair and came home. What should I do with my cell phone in Kakao Taxi? gotta find it finally found it Share what you find.


Kakao Taxi
What should I do if I lose my Kakao Taxi cell phone?


Kakao Taxi (Kakao T) What should I do if my cell phone is lost? I found this

I left my cell phone in the taxi and the groom’s cell phone is lost, so I can’t get Kakao Taxi information. So, first, I went to the Kakao Taxi (Kakao T) website.

Kakao Mobility (Kakao Taxi website)

Kakao Mobility

Introduction of Kakao Mobility company, services provided, recruitment information

1. Kakao T Homepage – Information/Customer Support
Go to the Kakao Mobility website and find the customer center. From the top menu, select Guidance – Customer Support.


Kakao Mobility-Customer Support
Find customer center on the Kakao Mobility website/Contact customer support


2. Connect to Kakao T Customer Center
If you go to customer support and scroll down all the way down, you will see customer support chatbot & consultation talk at the bottom. Among them, I chose to connect to the Kakao T customer center chatbot & consultation talk.

Kakao T-Contact Talk Connect-Customer Center
Connect to Kakao T Customer Center

3. Consult Kakao T Customer Center via KakaoTalk
KakaoTalk is now available for chatting with KakaoTalk. Since the message was sent, both mobile and PC KakaoTalk are now available for consultation.


Kakao T-Customer Center
Connect to Kakao T Customer Center

4. Select Kakao T Consulting Service
Previously, to use counseling talk, press the start button and select a counseling service. I left my phone in Kakao Taxi, so I chose Taxi/Black/Pet. After selecting, you are asked to enter a detailed inquiry of 5 characters or more for consultation.


Kakao-Customer Center-Kakao Talk
Kakao T Customer Center Consultation Talk

5. Inquire with a Kakao T counselor via KakaoTalk
‘Cell phone in taxi’ he wrote. The answer that comes back is what I want. I was happy when the counselor asked if it was true that the cell phone I used to make the call was lost hahahaha



Kakao T-Customer Center-Kakao Talk
Kakao T Customer Center Consultation Talk

I handed over what I was doing to the groom, saying that counseling could be limited if it was not the person himself. Looking at the contents, it seems that at least the groom’s phone number, the date and time of the call, and the departure/arrival location are all right.



Collected information: phone number,
the date and time of the call;

Kakao T-Customer Center
Kakao T-Customer Center
Kakao T Customer Center Counselor Kakao Talk Inquiry

If you collect personal information in this way, you will be notified of the contact information of the Kakao Taxi driver you used. I made a direct call and found my lost cell phone on Kakao Taxi. However, since he was on the way to another region, he gave 30,000 won in cash, including the cost of gas. Groom~ Please put your phone in your bag next time!!