카카오뱅크 고객센터 Curious about the Kakao Bank customer center phone number?

​Even though it is the most used offline bank in Korea,

It is no exaggeration to say that the bank used by many people is Kakao Bank.

I personally use other banks too, but I actually use Kakao Bank. 이베이스매뉴얼

I am using my main bank.

카카오뱅크 고객센터

Since there is no offline branch, you must contact the customer center for any questions you may have. 카카오뱅크 고객센터

I can find out. Did you know that?

For those who do not know how to connect to #Kakao Bank Customer Center

The fact that there is a lot more than you think

So, I went online to find out the #KakaoBank customer center phone number.

There are many people who search

So, actually, I did not know the Kakao Bank customer center phone number.

I have a question for you this time, so I did a search.

I thought it would be good to share it with you, so I prepared it as a post.

Where do I go to get to the Kakao Bank Customer Center?

I was doing it, but now that I know, am I really an idiot? as much as I want

it was easy

So, I’m going to make this post very simple. Really, in 5 seconds?

You can find out right away

The Kakao Bank customer center also has several phone numbers.

Each phone number has a different job for consulting

So, it would be good to know it well and use the Kakao Bank customer center.

If you want to know the Kakao Bank customer center phone number, first

Should I run the Kakao Bank app?

When you run Kakao Bank, the current balance and several menus are displayed.

Ignore everything. If you look at the bottom right, you can see the 3 dots at the very end, right?

touch this part

Then the first icon says Customer Center.

There is a very cute icon that looks like you are wearing earphones

If you touch this part, Kakao Bank can also consult through KakaoTalk.

Consultation is also possible by phone.

And if you want to talk by phone, just click on the phone call button below to enter.

Now, there are a total of 4 customer centers, each with a different number.

Then I’ll give you a brief introduction to what I’m in charge of.

Service center


Deposit / Savings, Loan, Card, App Inquiry

Consultation is available on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Jeon / monthly rent deposit loan, return inquiry

Consultation is available from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays.

Report various accidents


Counseling for various accident reports is available 24 hours a day.

It says it operates 365 days a year.

Since there are no branches offline, we only operate online.

There may be many reports of various accidents.

In preparation for this, consultations are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

I think it’s believable too.

Seniors only


Senior citizens only, as it is said, are used by older people.

Because the language may not be communicated well or the understanding may be insufficient.

It seems to be operated separately, but for various parts of this age group

It seems to increase customer satisfaction in various ways.

Yes / Savings, Loan, Card, App Inquiry

We offer consultations from 8 am to 7 pm on weekdays.

Jeon / monthly rent deposit loan, foreign exchange inquiry

We offer consultations from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays.

Overseas calls

+82 – 2 – 6420 – 3333

I’ve never used overseas phone calls, so I don’t know the details.

In my opinion, when you contact Kakao Bank customer center, you probably go abroad.

I’m guessing it’s the number you’re calling

Yes / Savings, Loan, Card, App Inquiry

Counseling is available from 8 am to 7 pm on weekdays.

Jeon / monthly rent deposit loan, foreign exchange inquiry

Consultation is available from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays.

This is how I found out the phone number and operating hours of the Kakao Bank customer center.

Of course, it is possible to consult through KakaoTalk, but there may be some shortcomings.

So, if you think that verbal counseling is faster than Kakao Talk,

It may be faster to call the customer center and find out.

We are operating several divisions according to the needs, but since there are so many customers

If you are consulting by phone, the waiting time may be long, so please be aware of this part.

So today, I learned about the phone number that connects to the Kakao Bank customer center.

Is it really that easy? Too simple, right? So, you can check it very easily with just a few touches.

There are a few more related to Kakao Bank, I will prepare and come back with other contents~

Then, I will greet you with the video one last time. I hope you are taking good care of your body in hot weather~~