청소년부모 아동양육비 지원 신청 방법 I am a parent now! How to apply for subsidy for child rearing by parents of teenagers and who is eligible for support

청소년부모 아동양육비 지원 신청 방법This is a pilot project to provide child support of KRW 200,000 per month per child to alleviate the burden of childcare for households with parents of teenagers (aged 24 and younger) who are simultaneously raising their children, studying, and working. As a support policy that started as a pilot project in 2022, the existing 6-month support project will be expanded and supported for 12 months from 2023.

Support period: January 2023 to December 2023 (up to 12 months, payment from the month of application)
●How to apply: Visit and apply at the local community center for the address of the child in the household of the parents of the youth on the resident registration
●Inquiries: Local community center or family phone consultation (1644-6621, extension number 2)
●Detailed information: Korea Healthy Family Promotion Agency homepage

1H 2023
Age Criteria: Those born on or after January 1, 1998
Income determination standard: Certificate of income amount attributable to the National Tax Service in 2021
●Qualification recognition period: Until the first half of 2023

2nd half of 2023
Age Criteria: Those born on or after July 1, 1998
Income determination standard: Certificate of income amount attributable to the National Tax Service in 2022
●Qualification recognition period: Until the end of 2023

It is aimed at parents of teenagers under the age of 24 who are raising their children.

youth parent household
60% or less of the standard median income
Both father and mother are under the age of 24
Support of KRW 200,000 per month per child
Excluding cases where at least one of the parents is over 24 years of age or is not raising the child.

Youth Single Parent Household
65% or less of the standard median income
●Father or mother under 24 years of age
Support of KRW 350,000 per child per month Support for up to 2 years with a limit of KRW 1.54 million per year for educational expenses for the qualification exam
Separate support such as 100,000 won per household per month for self-reliance promotion allowance

Application for support for child support for parents of teenagers
Applicant’s ID
Family Relations Certificate (Marriage Relations Certificate)
Copy of resident registration
Certificate of income amount if there is income, proof of fact if there is no income (each parent)
A copy of the bankbook of the account to be supported
Submission of basic livelihood security recipient certificate, if necessary

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청소년부모 아동양육비 지원 신청 방법

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